Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sometimes You Win Some and Sometimes You Lose Some

 With the temps in the upper 80's around here

I've been craving a nice cold dessert.

I know I'm late in the game but I was

craving something strawberry flavored.

To be more specific, I wanted a

strawberry cheese cake.

 I didn't want to heat up the house by turning

on the oven so I went looking for a no bake version.

It was an easy recipe that I found and whipped together in no time.

The hardest part was letting it sit in the freezer for 2 hours

before we could dig into it.

Hubby saw it sitting in the refrigerator as I was getting

ready to snap a few pictures of it and exclaimed,

"Oh my God you are trying to kill me."

I chuckled at him because
I'm used to him saying that to me.
My intent is definitely not to kill him
but to fulfill my desire to bake and be creative.
The bad part about it is he can't resist
anything I make because it looks and smells so good.
We had high hopes for this cheesecake.
I'll be very truthful though.
This no bake version didn't have much
strawberry taste. It was kinda bland.
It wasn't bad, it just wasn't
what I was expecting it to taste like.
 Even though I added a teaspoon of strawberry
extract to it, it was still lacking something.
I was expecting more
of a traditional baked cheesecake flavor and texture.
I think it would have been better had I used
fresh picked strawberries instead of store
bought strawberries. But, strawberry season
is over so I had to use what I had access to.
It sure looked pretty and smelled good though.
It just goes to show that,
Sometimes you win some
and sometimes you lose some.
Luckily the wins far outweigh the loses.
No sense stressing over it though,
just let it go and move onto the next creation.

That's it for now.

Until Next Time,

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Catching Up & A Recipe

 Oh my but it's been quite a while since I posted anything.

Life happens and we tend to get sucked into it

and before you know it, it's a year later!

I ran into a few friends a couple of weeks ago and

they asked me if I was ever going to post anything

on my blog again. I was so shocked

that people actually read and follow along with my blog. 

And to think that what started as a creative outlet

for me actually brings pleasure to others.

I truly am humbled.

So much has happened since I last posted.

For one, the grandbabies have grown so much.

Our oldest grandson is 4 years old and will

be starting 4-K in the fall and

the twins just turned 3 years old this week.


It's hard to believe that I have been a full-time

Nanny Granny for 3 years already.

But our biggest life changer is....

We SOLD our house!

We weren't even going to put it on

the market until next March but our

Realtor approached us with an incredible

offer we just couldn't refuse. So we had 4 days

to clean the house and stage it to show. We worked

our butts off getting it ready. But it was SO worth it.

We were so grateful and blown away by the offer.

Everything happened so quickly after we accepted the offer.

First up on our To Do list was to find temporary housing

until next year when we plan to move back home to Pennsylvania.

Although we have lived in Wisconsin for the past 34 years,

Pennsylvania has always been our home.

Then it was packing, purging and selling furniture

 like there was no tomorrow.

We have always tried to keep

things organized and under control because both

of us hate clutter but it is just amazing how much

STUFF you can accumulate over the years.

Trying to find a temporary place to live during this

HOT real estate market was a real challenge for Hubby

but he was relentless and was able to find us a nice 

brand spanking new place to rent.

We are finally settled into our new temporary home

as best as we want to be. We can finally breath a little

easier now. Life is slowly getting back to normal to

where I want to start being creative again.

One thing I am very passionate about is

food photography. Food unites us.

I love cooking and baking then photographing the food.

It's always food that we actually eat.

I do it as a hobby, not as a professional.

A couple of weeks ago I had baked some potatoes

and only ate the insides but I kept the skins and threw

them into the freezer for another time.

For some reason I had a hankering for

Baked Potato Skins.

So I made these.

Oh my Land's End but these were DELICIOUS!
Such a simple food but oh how the taste buds loved them.
I hope you enjoyed hearing from me again and I will try not to wait so long between posting.
Until then here is the recipe for the potato skins.



6 Potato Skins
1 1/2 tablespoons Butter
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/8 teaspoon Onion Powder
1/2 cup shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack Cheese
6 slices crispy cooked Bacon, crumbled
2 Green Onions, sliced
Sour Cream (optional)


Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

Melt butter in microwave. Add garlic powder and onion powder to butter and stir.

Brush butter mixture over the tops and bottom of each potato skin and place onto baking sheet.
Place into the oven and bake for 10 minutes. Flip each potato skin and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Remove from oven and add cheese and bacon to each potato skin.
Return to oven and bake for 5 minutes, or until cheese is melted.

Top each potato skin with a dollop of sour cream and green onions. Serve immediately.

Until Next Time,