Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sometimes You Win Some and Sometimes You Lose Some

 With the temps in the upper 80's around here

I've been craving a nice cold dessert.

I know I'm late in the game but I was

craving something strawberry flavored.

To be more specific, I wanted a

strawberry cheese cake.

 I didn't want to heat up the house by turning

on the oven so I went looking for a no bake version.

It was an easy recipe that I found and whipped together in no time.

The hardest part was letting it sit in the freezer for 2 hours

before we could dig into it.

Hubby saw it sitting in the refrigerator as I was getting

ready to snap a few pictures of it and exclaimed,

"Oh my God you are trying to kill me."

I chuckled at him because
I'm used to him saying that to me.
My intent is definitely not to kill him
but to fulfill my desire to bake and be creative.
The bad part about it is he can't resist
anything I make because it looks and smells so good.
We had high hopes for this cheesecake.
I'll be very truthful though.
This no bake version didn't have much
strawberry taste. It was kinda bland.
It wasn't bad, it just wasn't
what I was expecting it to taste like.
 Even though I added a teaspoon of strawberry
extract to it, it was still lacking something.
I was expecting more
of a traditional baked cheesecake flavor and texture.
I think it would have been better had I used
fresh picked strawberries instead of store
bought strawberries. But, strawberry season
is over so I had to use what I had access to.
It sure looked pretty and smelled good though.
It just goes to show that,
Sometimes you win some
and sometimes you lose some.
Luckily the wins far outweigh the loses.
No sense stressing over it though,
just let it go and move onto the next creation.

That's it for now.

Until Next Time,

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Catching Up & A Recipe

 Oh my but it's been quite a while since I posted anything.

Life happens and we tend to get sucked into it

and before you know it, it's a year later!

I ran into a few friends a couple of weeks ago and

they asked me if I was ever going to post anything

on my blog again. I was so shocked

that people actually read and follow along with my blog. 

And to think that what started as a creative outlet

for me actually brings pleasure to others.

I truly am humbled.

So much has happened since I last posted.

For one, the grandbabies have grown so much.

Our oldest grandson is 4 years old and will

be starting 4-K in the fall and

the twins just turned 3 years old this week.


It's hard to believe that I have been a full-time

Nanny Granny for 3 years already.

But our biggest life changer is....

We SOLD our house!

We weren't even going to put it on

the market until next March but our

Realtor approached us with an incredible

offer we just couldn't refuse. So we had 4 days

to clean the house and stage it to show. We worked

our butts off getting it ready. But it was SO worth it.

We were so grateful and blown away by the offer.

Everything happened so quickly after we accepted the offer.

First up on our To Do list was to find temporary housing

until next year when we plan to move back home to Pennsylvania.

Although we have lived in Wisconsin for the past 34 years,

Pennsylvania has always been our home.

Then it was packing, purging and selling furniture

 like there was no tomorrow.

We have always tried to keep

things organized and under control because both

of us hate clutter but it is just amazing how much

STUFF you can accumulate over the years.

Trying to find a temporary place to live during this

HOT real estate market was a real challenge for Hubby

but he was relentless and was able to find us a nice 

brand spanking new place to rent.

We are finally settled into our new temporary home

as best as we want to be. We can finally breath a little

easier now. Life is slowly getting back to normal to

where I want to start being creative again.

One thing I am very passionate about is

food photography. Food unites us.

I love cooking and baking then photographing the food.

It's always food that we actually eat.

I do it as a hobby, not as a professional.

A couple of weeks ago I had baked some potatoes

and only ate the insides but I kept the skins and threw

them into the freezer for another time.

For some reason I had a hankering for

Baked Potato Skins.

So I made these.

Oh my Land's End but these were DELICIOUS!
Such a simple food but oh how the taste buds loved them.
I hope you enjoyed hearing from me again and I will try not to wait so long between posting.
Until then here is the recipe for the potato skins.



6 Potato Skins
1 1/2 tablespoons Butter
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/8 teaspoon Onion Powder
1/2 cup shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
1/2 cup shredded Monterey Jack Cheese
6 slices crispy cooked Bacon, crumbled
2 Green Onions, sliced
Sour Cream (optional)


Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

Melt butter in microwave. Add garlic powder and onion powder to butter and stir.

Brush butter mixture over the tops and bottom of each potato skin and place onto baking sheet.
Place into the oven and bake for 10 minutes. Flip each potato skin and bake for an additional 10 minutes.

Remove from oven and add cheese and bacon to each potato skin.
Return to oven and bake for 5 minutes, or until cheese is melted.

Top each potato skin with a dollop of sour cream and green onions. Serve immediately.

Until Next Time,

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Trash To Treasure

 A few weeks ago Hubby was taking our trash to our local drop off site and

texted me a picture of a desk that was being thrown out and wanted to know

if I would be interested in it to refinish.

It is made of solid wood.

Other than the long legs being a little loose and the top was scratched,
all in all it was in pretty good condition.
I started off by sanding down the top to the bare wood.
After seeing how pretty the top was I ended up sanding the rest of the desk down, except for the legs.
I just wasn't loving the mid century look of the legs and knew that I wanted to swap those out and make the desk a little sturdier.

This little desk went from being thrown out in the trash.....
to this new and improved treasure.
Hubby helped me add an apron front and new legs to make this little desk sturdier.
A view of the new legs and support.
The color is called In The Navy by Sherwin Williams, which I had mixed at Home Depot.
The top is stained with a mixture of Minwax Special Walnut, Dark Walnut and Weathered Oak.
New drawer pulls were added in a pretty gold tone.
I added a little surprise to each drawer bottom by painting them in blue and white stripes.
To seal the desk I applied 3 coats of Minwax Polycrylic in Satin.
What a  cute little desk this will make for our oldest grandson.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Mouthwatering Burgers

Happy Independence Day Everyone.
Were you able to spend the day
with family and friends,
all while social distancing of course.
We usually choose to stay home
during the 4th of July and just
chill and grill up some burgers
on the grill.

Have you ever had a gourmet burger
from Red Robin?
We have tried numerous gourmet burgers
from there and have liked them all
but our all time favorite burger is
their Prime Chophouse burgers.
These burgers are bursting with
so many different mouthwatering favors.
I'm salivating just thinking about this burger.
Sadly, Red Robin has changed their
menu and have removed their
Prime Chophouse burgers.

I wasn't willing to let these burgers
simply disappear from my life.
What on earth was I going to do?

I decided that I would try and recreate
these mouthwatering burgers for our
4th of July cookout.
Don't these look mouthwatering?
Yes, those are our burgers I recreated.
Perfectly mouthwatering and bursting with favor.
Hubby said that these were the BEST homemade
burgers he has ever had.
Hands down the BEST.
These burgers are topped with sauteed mushrooms,
provolone cheese, homemade crispy fried onion straws and
topped with a special sauce mixture of steak sauce,
Dijon mustard and horseradish.

Am I making you hungry yet?
The 4th of July just wouldn't be the same
without a mouthwatering burger.
You can't get much more Americana than that.

Stay safe and Happy 4th of July!
Until Next Time,

Sunday, June 28, 2020

A Spicy 4th of July

Do you have big plans for Independence Day?
Hubby and I plan on staying home
where it's nice and safe.
I'm looking forward to having a nice
quiet 3 day weekend and
sitting on the deck reading a good book.
Hubby will be grilling up some burgers on
the grill and I will be making some
Homemade Restaurant Style Salsa.
This salsa recipe comes together quickly.
No slicing, dicing or chopping by hand.
Make it mild
or spicy, which we prefer.
This salsa is so much better tasting
than store bought salsa.
Hands down the best I have ever made.
It is the BOMB.
Do people still say that or am I dating myself?
Anyhoo, if you love salsa you have to make this recipe.
The secret to this salsa tasting so great is using
Fire Roasted Tomatoes.



1/2 cup Onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1/2 jalapeno seeds and ribs removed, chopped 
10 ounce can diced tomatoes with green chilies (I use Rotel original)
14.5 ounce can crushed fire roasted tomatoes
pinch of sugar, optional, it helps balance the acidity of the tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon dried cilantro
juice from 1/2 of a lime, or more to taste
2 - 4 tablespoons white vinegar, start with 2 and add more to taste


Add the peeled onion, garlic and jalapeno to the bowl of a food processor and pulse a few times
to chop until desired consistency.

Drain off the liquid from the can of diced tomatoes with green chilies and discard the liquid.
Add the tomatoes and chilies from the can to the food processor, pulse until the salsa reaches
your desired consistency.

Pour the salsa mixture into a large bowl.
Add the can of crushed fire roasted tomatoes with the juices from the can into the bowl of
the salsa mixture. Stir to combine.

Add the remaining salsa ingredients and stir to combine.

Taste salsa with a tortilla chip and adjust the lime juice, vinegar, salt, or sugar as needed.

*This recipe makes a medium-spicy salsa.

**For a mild salsa, omit the jalapeno and substitute a can of regular diced tomatoes without green chilies.

***For a spicy salsa, add the whole jalapeno with seeds.

Recipe adapted from:

Whether you plan on having a mild or spicy
4th of July, we hope that you
enjoy your day and have
a safe holiday.

Until Next Time,

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Crystal Ball Gazing

Hello there.
How is your part of the world looking?
Our's is starting to look up.
We still can't get out and do much,
as for being in public places, but
we are able to get outside and enjoy
our beautiful weather.

I have a new obsession.
I know, I know.
How can she possibly have another obsession?
It's true though.
It's called lensball photography.
It's basically taking pictures
through a crystal ball.

Since our weather was so beautiful
this weekend I thought I would get outside
and play with my new obsession
and try to snap a few pictures.

Welcome to our little part of the world.
How cool is that!?
So I starting walking around our yard
scoping out cool images to snap.
Our spring this year was a little cool so our peonies
didn't produce as many buds this year but I was
able to capture a few images.

Our clematis.
I believe that this is a jasmine bush.
Not really sure because it was here
when we moved into our home.

These next 2 images are of our hanging basket of geraniums.

One of our potentilla bushes.
I hope you enjoyed gazing into our crystal ball.
That's it for this week.
Stay safe.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, June 7, 2020

How to Transform a Dresser

Last week I showed my latest dresser transformation.


This week is all about how I transformed this dresser
and what products I used.

This is not a sponsored posts. I wasn't compensated
for any of the products that I used. All of my
opinions are my own and unbiased. Some of the
products that I mention are ones that I have used
numerous times and some are new to me that I
was impressed with the quality and ease of use
and thought that they deserved being mentioned.

Before I start, I want to mention that I didn't
take many pictures during the transformation
process. I tend to get caught up in the moment
trying to figure things out
and forget about taking pictures. Hopefully,
you will be able to follow along anyway.

So, lets get started on this transformation.
Once I started working on this dresser I realized that the sides
were just a piece of 1/4" wood veneer 
and the top piece
was pressed board with a layer of  wood veneer over it.
All of the veneer was removed from the dresser.
The sides and top piece were completely removed and
Hubby and I created new ones with
pieces of solid birch wood.
After removing the damaged veneer from the
drawer fronts I discovered a big chunk of the
wood was missing from the 2nd drawer.
Dang it!
I couldn't just sand the drawer fronts and
be done with them.
I filled in the hole with wood filler, let dry,
and sanded it smooth.
New wood veneer needed to be applied
to each drawer so that they would all
have the same wood grain finish.
I knew that I wanted to stain this dresser and not paint it.
I had to order new wood veneer for the drawer fronts.
Each drawer was sanded and cleaned and ready
to apply the new wood veneer.
When the new veneer arrived for the draw fronts
I was surprised that it came
in a box rolled up. I was expecting it to be a flat sheet.
This is the wood veneer that I used for the drawer fronts.
If you're not familiar with what wood veneer is,
it is paper thin cuts of natural wood
that is applied with glue and can be
stained or painted.
I had never used wood veneer before and was a
little intimidated by it. I pulled it out and unrolled it
and laid a sheet of plywood on top of it for a few
days to try and flatten it out. I really didn't have to
worry about flatting it out. This veneer was so
incredibly easy to cut and apply.
It adhered so smoothly without any cracking or bubbling.
Using a utility knife I cut out each drawer front and applied.
Super, super easy to apply. I was very impressed with this veneer.

Here is a close up of the drawers with the new veneer applied and stained.
You can't even tell that there is wood veneer on this dresser.
To create the new sides
Hubby used (2)  
2' x 4' x 1/4" sheets of birch plywood
and roughly cut out the leg opening.
The sides were then adhered using wood glue and set to dry overnight.
Once dried and secured I was able to sand the leg opening
smooth to match the leg shape.
The top of the dresser was created using a piece of
3/4" 2' x 4' piece of birch plywood. I wanted the top
of the dresser to be a 2 inch thickness. In order to have
a 2 inch thick top Hubby built it up using scrap wood.
To finish the edges of the top to look like a solid piece
of wood I used this veneer edge banding.
Can you tell it's not a 2" thick piece of wood?

The final step was to apply the veneer edge banding around the front of the dresser.
Using the same edge banding, I applied it then trimmed it down to size using
a utility knife.
Once all the veneer had been applied, I lightly sanded the entire
dresser down and applied the stain. I combined 2 different
stain colors to achieve the look I was going for.
I first applied 2 coats of Minwax Special Walnut.
The color was a little too red for me so I then
applied 2 coats of  Minwax Weathered Oak.
By applying the weathered oak it knocked down
the red tone to a nice warm brown color.
Exactly what I was aiming for.
Minwax Special Walnut and Weathered Oak.

To protect all of our hard work,
I applied 3 coats of water based Minwax Polycrylic
in Clear Satin to the entire dresser.
Hubby drilled new holes and added the new
handles (which I ordered off Amazon)
and just like that, we were done.

By investing a little bit of sweat equity
we now have a beautiful new dresser.
How appropriate is my sign that I made 2 years ago?
That's it for now.
Until Next Time,
Stay safe.