Sunday, June 14, 2020

Crystal Ball Gazing

Hello there.
How is your part of the world looking?
Our's is starting to look up.
We still can't get out and do much,
as for being in public places, but
we are able to get outside and enjoy
our beautiful weather.

I have a new obsession.
I know, I know.
How can she possibly have another obsession?
It's true though.
It's called lensball photography.
It's basically taking pictures
through a crystal ball.

Since our weather was so beautiful
this weekend I thought I would get outside
and play with my new obsession
and try to snap a few pictures.

Welcome to our little part of the world.
How cool is that!?
So I starting walking around our yard
scoping out cool images to snap.
Our spring this year was a little cool so our peonies
didn't produce as many buds this year but I was
able to capture a few images.

Our clematis.
I believe that this is a jasmine bush.
Not really sure because it was here
when we moved into our home.

These next 2 images are of our hanging basket of geraniums.

One of our potentilla bushes.
I hope you enjoyed gazing into our crystal ball.
That's it for this week.
Stay safe.
Until Next Time,

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