Sunday, February 24, 2019

I'm Not Eating That!

Almost every Saturday night I make
homemade pizza from scratch for dinner.
I've been doing this for years.
I love making pizza from scratch.
I like knowing exactly what is going into our food.
No artificial or chemical ingredients added.
Nothing but wholesome goodness.

I start by making the dough with 
stone ground white whole wheat flour,
unbleached bread flour, yeast, raw honey,
salt, extra virgin olive oil and water.

While the pizza dough is rising,
I'll mix up a batch of pizza sauce.
I've been making the same recipe for pizza
sauce for years, which we love. But I also like to
try new recipes that happen to catch my attention.

I informed Hubby that I was going to try a new recipe
for pizza sauce this week.
When I told him what was in it he stated,
 "I'm not eating that".
I don't know, it looks pretty darn good to me.
What do you think?

Why didn't Hubby want to eat this yummy
looking pizza sauce?
Because it has anchovies in it.
Yep, anchovies.

Granted, I'm not an anchovy eater either,
or so I thought.
It wasn't until I started doing a little bit of research
on anchovies that I found out they totally dissolve
when you cook with them.

Think you don't like anchovies?

Do you eat Caesar Salad,
or add steak sauce or 
Worcestershire sauce to your steaks?
How about the many beloved Italian pasta dishes?
Do you eat any of those?

Well, if you eat any of these then you
like the distinctive flavor of anchovies
because every one of these has anchovies in them.

Who knew?

Even though Hubby informed me he wasn't
going to eat the new pizza sauce I went ahead
and made a batch anyway. I would just make
up 2 pizzas instead of one. Hubby could have
his pizza with our tried and true sauce and I
could have my own pizza with the new sauce.

Once the new sauce was made and had cooled
down some I did a taste test.
I really liked the flavor and coaxed Hubby
into trying it also.
He was pleasantly surprised
that there was no fishy taste to the sauce.
He was willing to have it added to his pizza.
I added his favorite toppings and it was ready for the oven.
After eating a couple slices of pizza
Hubby informed me this pizza sauce
needed to be added to our "Keeper Recipes" file.
"It's a good one".

Hubby is proof that it just goes to show,
Don't knock it until you try it.



2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Anchovy fillets
3 cloves Garlic, minced
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh Oregano leaves
1/2 teaspoon Red Pepper flakes (optional, add if you like a little bite to your sauce)
1/2 teaspoon dried Oregano
1 (28 ounce) can whole peeled tomatoes, crushed
Salt to taste
1/2 teaspoon White Sugar
1 pinch Ground Black Pepper
1 small pinch Baking Soda (helps reduce acidity)


Heat olive oil over medium-low heat in a saucepan; stir anchovy fillets into olive oil; stirring often
until fillets begin to sizzle and dissolve. Mix in garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add fresh oregano and
reduce heat to low; cook until oregano is wilted.

Mix red pepper flakes, dried oregano, and tomatoes into olive oil mixture. Bring sauce to a simmer
and season with salt, sugar, and black pepper. Turn heat to low; simmer sauce until thickened and oil
rises to the top, 35-40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Stir baking soda into pizza sauce, mixing until thoroughly combined.

Recipe adapted from: Chef John

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, February 10, 2019

In Motion

We finally met with the electrician/contractor
and interior designer to discuss the changes
we would like to make to our kitchen.
Even though we won't be doing a complete
makeover the changes that will be 
made will definitely be noticeable.
We spent roughly 1 1/2 hours with them.
They were both very helpful and actually
pointed out a few things that we hadn't
even thought about but made
sense once they pointed them out.
Now we wait for the quote as to how
much all the changes are going to cost us.


I've been so focused lately with our kitchen
design that I haven't had much time for anything else.
I'm excited about having our kitchen remodeled
but scared about the cost of it happening.
At least we finally have things in motion
and before you know it I'll be cooking
and baking again.

Speaking of getting things "in motion",
I've been playing around with my
camera lately trying to learn new techniques.
I wanted to see if I could capture things in motion.
So I set up a very simple stage on our
dining room table to see if I could capture
something in motion.

How cool is this?
I swapped out the black background for a white one
to show the first drop of the maple syrup better.

It's addictive doing this!
I actually started with water first.
I can't wait to apply this to my food photography.
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,