Sunday, February 10, 2019

In Motion

We finally met with the electrician/contractor
and interior designer to discuss the changes
we would like to make to our kitchen.
Even though we won't be doing a complete
makeover the changes that will be 
made will definitely be noticeable.
We spent roughly 1 1/2 hours with them.
They were both very helpful and actually
pointed out a few things that we hadn't
even thought about but made
sense once they pointed them out.
Now we wait for the quote as to how
much all the changes are going to cost us.


I've been so focused lately with our kitchen
design that I haven't had much time for anything else.
I'm excited about having our kitchen remodeled
but scared about the cost of it happening.
At least we finally have things in motion
and before you know it I'll be cooking
and baking again.

Speaking of getting things "in motion",
I've been playing around with my
camera lately trying to learn new techniques.
I wanted to see if I could capture things in motion.
So I set up a very simple stage on our
dining room table to see if I could capture
something in motion.

How cool is this?
I swapped out the black background for a white one
to show the first drop of the maple syrup better.

It's addictive doing this!
I actually started with water first.
I can't wait to apply this to my food photography.
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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