Sunday, March 17, 2019

Waiting For Spring

Spring is finally arriving here in Wisconsin.
We've had a couple of warm days
that melted a lot of our snow.
On Wednesday our Robins returned
and covered our front lawn.
To me, this signifies that Spring
is just around the corner.
Then on Friday our Sandhill cranes arrived.
It's so good to hear their loud
rattling bugle calls as they fly
over our house.
I can hardly wait for Spring to arrive
so that we can open our doors and windows
to let in the fresh air and hear the birds chirping.

Springtime is such a pretty time of year
that brings a new fresh beginning.
I love to see everything waking up
and coming to life from the winter solstice.

Speaking of a new fresh beginning,
I thought I would give this tired looking
metal urn a new life.
I found this at Goodwill last year for $1.00.
I just can't seem to pass these things up.
Before I started to transform this urn,
using a piece of sandpaper, I lightly roughed
it up so that the paint would stick to the surface.
I pulled out 3 different paint colors from my stash,
white, light gray and dark gray,
and started dabbing on the paint with a wet rag.
I just kept dabbing on the paint until I achieved
a look that I was satisfied with.

It went from a tired looking vessel to this.
Isn't that pink background pretty?
I swapped out the flowers and started to play around with
different colored backgrounds that I created.
I like to create my own backgrounds when I can.
I'll do a tutorial later on how I created them
in 15 minutes and cost less than $15.00 per board to make.

                                   From this.......                            This
It will be fun to fill this fresh new urn with a
real bouquet of flowers.
Hurry up Spring and get here!
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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