Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fresh & Clean

I've been wanting to make this next project for about 2 years now.
I finally decided that I was just going to jump in and JUST DO IT!
I can't believe that I didn't do it sooner.
It was so super easy to do and it makes the house
smell so fresh & clean.
Can you guess what I made?
Did you guess scented candles?
Try again.
Did you guess homemade bars of soap?
Winner, Winner, chicken dinner!
I made my own bars of soap!
These soaps are made using Goat's milk Glycerin Soap Base and essential oils. 
They are so rich and creamy feeling, smell wonderful and
they create a lot of lather.  These bars are a full 4 oz. each.
My favorite is the Savannah Rain.
It is made with Lily of the Valley, Lilac, Magnolia and Violet
essential oils.  It smell like freshly fallen rain.
I made a couple of bars with swirls of seafoam green colorant.
A couple of the Lavender bars I added some
Lavender buds to them.
Just melt your soap base in a microwave safe dish.
Add your favorite essential oils.
You can even add colorants, flowers, herbs, colored sugars.
The possibilities are endless.  Be creative!
Place into a mold.
 (Sorry I forgot to take a picture of the soap in the molds)
Let set for 1 hour and remove from the mold and you have
beautiful bars of soap that smell and feel so good.
Here are a few other soaps I made.
I didn't have time to make the labels for these.
We are set for soap for a while.
I wish you could smell how fresh & clean these soaps are.
This was such an easy project to do that I will continue to
make our own bars of soap. At least I know exactly what is going into each bar.
No more mystery ingredients!
I hope you enjoyed this post.
Until next time,


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