Sunday, June 21, 2015

It Started with a little Knob

A couple months ago I was browsing through
Hobby Lobby and this knob caught my attention.
It was only $3.99.
So I threw it in my basket because it was just too darn pretty to pass up.
I didn't have any plans for it but I knew eventually I would
come up with something that I could use it for.
I've been wanting to try my hand at painting furniture.
Sure, I've painted picture frames which were simple enough,
and one chair, which I took a class and had an instructor
there through the whole process, but nothing since then.
We have this little stand that sits in the corner of our dining room.
(I removed the items I had on it so that you all could get a better look at it)
It has been with us for a good 30 years.
We were a newly married couple and it was what we could afford at the time.
It's a Sauder brand that has held up really well over the years,
even through all of our moves.
It's made out of wood and laminate.
I was going to donate this to our local Goodwill store because it was laminate,
  but for some reason we have held onto it even though all of our
other pieces of furniture are solid oak.
Not sure why, maybe because it was in such great shape?
Since this wasn't an expensive piece of furniture I thought
that I would just take the plunge and paint this.
If I happened to mess it up I wouldn't feel so bad.
Did you know that you can paint laminate and it turns out beautiful?
Well you can!
Say Hello to my newly painted laminate stand.
What a simple way to change up and freshen
the look of your home.
All it took was a little bit of paint and time.
I have been adding touches of aqua color in our
kitchen and dining room areas.
This little stand really helps lighten up our dining room
and adds a little pop of color.
The blue color on the stand is called Ocean Kiss by Behr.
Love that name, Ocean Kiss.
It is such a soft, pretty blue color.
I purchased a sample bottle for under $3.00.
This was more than enough to paint the top of this stand.
The white color is also by Behr and is called Ultra Pure White.
Both of the paints have the primer mixed in and are a flat finish.
Having the primer mixed in with the paint saves you an extra step.
You pay a little more but it is so worth it to save that extra step.
I put 2 coats of paint on just to make sure that all the dark wood
was covered and didn't show through.
After I painted it I made sure that I sealed it with
a finishing wax to protect my beautiful paint job,
and buffed it until it had a nice shine.
I think it is just lovely now.
 I'm so glad that I did a little research before donating it!
Here are a few more views of this pretty stand.
A side view.
Here is a top view so that you can see how soft the blue color is.
See how perfectly the paint color and knob match?
 I actually took the knob with me to Home Depot to pick out a color to match it.
Hubby wasn't too thrilled about me painting ANY furniture.
But once I got it all done all he could say was
"Wow that turned out really nice!"
I don't know why he questions me all the time!
You would think he would know me by now!
Here is one more shot of the knob that started it all.
I envision lots of other furniture getting a face lift.
The hard part is deciding what color I want to paint them!
Until Next Time,

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