Thursday, June 18, 2015

Summer Lovin'

Strawberry season is in full swing here in Wisconsin!
I woke up this morning at 7:00.  It was overcast with a light breeze.
Perfect weather to go strawberry picking!
I didn't have to worry about getting sunburned and I knew the
breeze would keep the mosquitoes away.
So off I went to our local strawberry patch.
We have a strawberry patch that is about 5 miles from our house.
If you are in our neck of the woods you have to check out
this strawberry patch!
Their strawberries are BIG & SWEET & JUICY!
This is their first year for strawberry picking.
They have quite the set up for picking strawberries.
You get a covered wagon ride to and from the
strawberry patch.
They even have pre-picked berries for purchase if you
aren't into picking your own.
In the Fall they have an amazing Corn Maze which is the
biggest corn maze in Wisconsin, and a pumpkin patch
where you can pick your own pumpkins.
This farm offers many other family fun
activities that you must check out.
Back to the strawberries....
I actually enjoy picking my own berries.
I know, I'm weird that way.
It took me a little over an hour to pick
40 pounds of berries!  Yes, you read that right.  40 POUNDS!
This is one of the containers I picked.
This picture doesn't show how BIG these berries are.
Sometime when berries get too big they become woody.
You bite into one of these and the juice runs down your chin!
I like to make strawberry jam and freeze some so that we
can have Strawberry Shortcake during the winter months.
Speaking of Strawberry Shortcake.....
We just had to have some after dinner tonight!
So.  Do you like to pick your own strawberry, or do you prefer to buy them
already picked?
That's all I have for today.
Until Next Time,

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