Sunday, January 31, 2016

Winter Wonderland

Monday as we were leaving from work
it had been snowing for about 1/2 hour.
Boy was that FUN driving home in that!
It was a heavy snowfall that made the roads very slippery.
But we persevered and made it home safely.
And the next morning we woke up to this.
 We usually don't get this much snow at one time.
I know that to some of you this isn't a big deal,
but for us it is a BIG deal!
The snow had covered everything during the night,
and had turned it into a winter wonderland.
So I grabbed my camera, and attached my wide angle lens,
to see if I could try and capture the beauty.
This shot was taken from the dining room window.
(dining room reveal coming soon)
Then I stepped out onto the back porch and took a few shots.
The snow was beautiful on the trees.
This shot was taken from our master bath window.
These oak leaves will stay until spring when the new growth will push them off.
Then the sun came out!
These were taken from the kitchen window.

So that was our Winter Wonderland.
That's all for this week.
Until Next Time,


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