Sunday, April 17, 2016

Half Bath Reveal

As I sit typing this post it is 86 degrees here today!
I guess when Mother Nature decides it's time
to warm up she gets right to it!
No complaints here though.
We are enjoying the warmer temps.
We finally have the half bath complete!
Fist pump here.
One more room conquered!
As usual, this post will have LOTS of pictures
for you to view so let's get started.
I didn't get any before pictures of the look of
this half bath because I didn't know that
Hubby was going to start ripping this room apart.
I was out grocery shopping when he decided to start ripping!
Luckily I snapped a picture of the wallpaper the day before.

It wasn't a bad look, we just wanted to remove ALL wallpaper from this house.
All of the bathrooms in this house had  this type of builder grade light fixture.
These lights would get SUPER hot. 
The half bath and the downstairs bathrooms also
had these basic builder grade mirrors.  Blah, blah and more blah!
Hubby removed the wallpaper and our house looked like this for about a month.
No sense cleaning up the mess until we were done remodeling!
This half bath is located by our front door.
 We didn't realize that our commode was pink until the wallpaper was removed.
If you look closely you can see a hint of pink. Believe me when I tell you, it was
more than a hint of pink!  It had to GO!
This is a view on the other side of the room.
Hubby had already removed the wallpaper, light and mirror.
Are you ready for the reveal?
Our new look.
This picture was taken with the natural light shining through.
The picture on the wall is a cross stitch that I made in 2003
and had professionally framed. It fits this bathroom perfectly!
Here is the look with the lights on.
The walls are painted with the same color as our Master Bath,
Natural Gray by Behr.
The light in this room brings out the purple undertones
so I decided to add purple and gray accessories.
Let's look around the room.
No more pink commode!
I made another Roman shade out of the mini blind that was in this room.
Here is a closer look.
Notice the true gray wall color.
If we ever need privacy we just lower the shade.
We have come full circle.
It's funny how the natural light affects paint colors.
Here the room has a blue and purple hue look.
A close up of the little stand that Uncle Albert built us and a new rug.
The rug also matches the floor tiles perfectly!
This is what you see when you walk in our front door.
This is the view from the living room.
Isn't that gray paint color so pretty?
Here is a list of what we did to this room.
Removed the wallpaper, light and mirror.
Painted the room.
Added a new light fixture, framed mirror and commode.
Created a Roman shade.
I did not spend any money on new accessories. I used what I had.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing our little half bath makeover.
Hubby has already started remodeling the Guest Bath downstairs.
With the weather turning warmer the Guest bath may be put
on hold so that we can get some outdoor sprucing up done around here.
I'll be sure to keep you posted.
Until then enjoy the warmer temps.
Until Next Time,


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