Sunday, January 22, 2017

Two Months

I can't believe it has been a little over 2 months
since our little Grandlove was born.
It is amazing how quickly they grow and change.
He has a little scratch on his face from his
fingernails. Mom has a hard time keeping up
with them they grow so fast.

Yesterday we went to visit him
and did lots of cuddling & loving.

Sharing time with Grandpa.
Grandpa sure loves holding him.
Love kissing those cheeks!
Watching a football game with Grandpa.
His little arms and legs are in constant motion.
Getting some lovin from Nonnie.
He was so focused on what Grandpa was doing.
Oooh, what's Grandpa doing?
You have to be quick to capture a smile.
He was so happy he couldn't sit still.
I was able to snap the end of a smile though.
Tummy time to build up the neck muscles.
He is able to hold his head up for longer periods.
We were having quite the conversation.

Getting to be nap time.
Watching football tends to do this.
But I don't want Nonnie and Grandpa to go!
We so enjoyed our visit and can't
wait until next time.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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