Sunday, January 1, 2017

Creating A Spring Look

Happy New Year!

I love all the hustle and bustle of the holidays,
but once the new year rolls around I am so done with it.
The Christmas decor has been stored away for
another year and the house has been cleaned
and put back in order. Time to take a little
breather before I think about creating
anything new for our Spring decor.

Speaking of Spring, one of my co-workers asked
if I could create a unique birthday gift for a friend
with Spring colors.
She had seen pictures of my lantern
I dressed up for Christmas and fell
in love with it. She had never seen
anything like it before and ask if I could
possibly make one with spring colors.
I had her pick out a lantern.
This is the one she chose.

As for colors, she really didn't have a preference,
she left that up to me.

So I took this simple lantern and
dug through my flower stash and
ribbons, threw in a little of this,
and a little of that, and the simple little
black lantern went from simple... simply STUNNING.
A beautiful Spring creation.

Here is a closer look.
Doesn't this little bird add just the right touch of Spring?
And how about a butterfly and some pussy willows?
Hubby walked in when I had just finished it and
his comment was, "Wow, that's impressive."
I'm glad he approved.
I'm pretty confident that my co-worker is going
to love it too.

It truly is STUNNING.
This one is going to be hard for me to part with.

That's it for this week.

Until Next Time,

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