Saturday, December 23, 2017

Wine and Reindeer

Wine and reindeer?
What the heck does that mean?
Now what is she up to!

Well... maybe if you drink a little too
much wine you just might start to see flying
reindeer. Not that I would know anything
about that though, I'm just saying, hehe 😊

On a more serious note, every year I try and
make a handmade Christmas ornament to add
to my collection of handmade ornaments.

Occasionally I will enjoy a glass of wine.
For some reason I've always kept my wine corks.
I think it has something to do with my love of crafting
and creating that makes me hoard hang onto things.
You never know when you might need those wine corks!

I'm always on the look-out for simple handmade
ornaments that are easy to create. As I was looking on
Pintrest one day I came across a deer made from
wine corks and I thought about all the wine corks
I had and how easy these would be to create.

I made a wine cork reindeer ornament.
Isn't he just the cutest?
Do you buy wine for people at Christmas time as gifts?
Instead of placing the bottle of wine in a bag, slapping a bow
on it and calling it a day.
How about adding a cute name tag
along with this little wine cork reindeer
onto the neck of the wine bottle?
I'm almost certain the recipient will love the little
extra thought you put into their gift.
No bag required.
Hubby even thought this was a cute idea.
Don't know a wine drinker.
No problem.
Add him to a Christmas present to make it extra special.
Once the present has been opened, or the wine has been drank,
the reindeer ornament can be added to their Christmas tree.
I'm sure it will be cherished for years.
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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