Sunday, May 12, 2019

A State Of Disarray

I don't do well in disarray.
I'm the type of person who likes
clean and orderly.
That being said, there are times
that I will tolerate the disarray.
This is one of those times.

This is the current state of our kitchen.
I have no oven or cooktop.
Thank goodness for slow cookers and microwaves.
Also, no sink or working dishwasher.
And no counter tops.
I'm using scrap pieces of boards for counter tops.
But I'm o.k. with the disarray
because our kitchen remodel is FINALLY underway.


You don't know how much you appreciate
and take for granted something until you
don't have it.

Thankfully, we have a utility sink in our
basement that I'm using to wash our dishes in.
I'm getting lots of exercise running up and
down the stairs. Having our kitchen remodeled
is keeping me in shape.
That's always a good thing.

Hopefully, if there aren't any glitches along the way
we should have an updated kitchen soon.

Stay tuned for our new kitchen reveal.

Until Next Time,

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