Sunday, April 28, 2019

Finding A Treasure

I am always on the lookout for copper pieces
to add to our home decor.

If you want to add a little warmth to your home,
adding just a few copper pieces is the way to go.

Copper is a classic and timeless metal
that will never go out of style.

While on vacation I thought I would pop into a thrift store
to see if there was anything that caught my eye.

As soon as I walked into the store this
is what immediately caught my eye.

An antique copper tea kettle.
I was almost afraid to look at the sticker price fearing that
it would be out of my price range.
Finding  true antique copper pieces
is a rarity and when you do find them they
can be quite pricey.
What a wonderful surprise to see
that this little tea kettle was priced for less than $10.00.
It had a little more patina, plus a lot of grime, on it
 than I cared for. The handle had so much grimy grease
build up that you couldn't even move it, and the
 inside of the pot was pretty filthy also.
But I knew that I could easily
spruce this little tea kettle up
to look like a new shiny penny.

I wasn't concerned about removing the patina
from this kettle because I will be using it
and I know that over time this little copper tea kettle will
create a new patina, minus all the grime buildup.

Using just a few simple household ingredients
and a lot of elbow grease,
 this little copper pot went from this,
to this.
It took me a good hour and a ton of elbow grease
to clean up this little pot. But it was so worth it.

I think I'll go make a cup of tea now 
to relax and start the new patina process.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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