Sunday, December 8, 2019

Warm and Cozy Potted Poinsettia

As I was decking the halls
for Christmas Hubby surprised
me by bringing home a
potted poinsettia from the
grocery store. We haven't
been able to have a real poinsettia
for quite a few years due to having
a cat in the house. Now that we are
a pet free house it's nice to have a
real poinsettia this time of year.
Although I loved the poinsettia
I wasn't crazy about the paper that
they wrap around the pot, but if I
removed the paper I was left with
an ugly green plastic pot.
Not the look I was going for.
I forgot to take a picture of our
potted poinsettia but this image
gives you an idea of what I am talking about.
I dug through my decorative ceramic pots
but just didn't have one big enough to transplant
the poinsettia into, and I didn't want to have to
buy a new one.

Now what was I going to do?

I started thinking about what I have that I could use
to cover the ugly green plastic pot with.

It finally came to me.

I always have a stash of yarn sitting around.
I would knit a warm and cozy sleeve
to slip over the ugly green pot.

It was the perfect solution.
It fits right in with everything else in the display.
Our warm and cozy festive kitchen display is now complete.
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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