Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Christmas Morning Tradition

For the last 10 years I've made it a
Christmas morning tradition to bake
cinnamon rolls for breakfast.

I used to use those pre-made rolls
that come in the cans with the
cream cheese frosting.

That all changed a few years ago
when I came across a recipe for
homemade Cinnamon rolls from
that I could make ahead of time
and bake on Christmas morning.
Hubby loves these homemade
cinnamon rolls so much that
I will never buy the canned
cinnamon rolls again.
Not that there is anything wrong
with the canned rolls, but nothing
compares to the taste of fresh
warm homemade cinnamon rolls.
Hubby says these homemade cinnamon rolls
remind him of those Cinnabon rolls
that you used to be able to buy in the Malls.
I absolutely agree with him on that.
Oh my, these are so delicious
and smell heavenly baking.
Let's make some homemade cinnamon rolls.
Mix your dough and let rise for 1 hour.
After an hour, roll your dough out into a 12 x 18 rectangle shape.
Melt the butter and spread onto the dough.
I use a pastry brush to spread the butter all the way
out to the outer edges.
Add the sugar and cinnamon mixture.
The secret to these tasting so good is
to use brown sugar instead of white granulated sugar.
Roll into a long log.
Cut into 1 inch slices.
Instead of using a knife to cut into slices,
which I think tends to flatten the slices,
I learned this trick a few years ago.
Use unflavored dental floss to slice the dough.
Simply grab a long piece of dental floss and
place under the roll, pull the dental floss up
and around the roll and pull in opposite directions
to slice through the dough. The dental floss will
not stick to the dough.
Perfectly uniform slices.
It is the coolest thing.
Place the slices into a greased 9 x 13 inch baking dish.
At this point, you can cover the dish with plastic
wrap and place into the refrigerator to bake the next day.
Since I was going to bake these the same day,
I covered them with a towel to let raise again for 45 minutes.
After 45 minutes, place into the oven.
Bake until the top is a nice golden brown.
While the rolls are starting to cool,
mix up the cream cheese frosting
and frost the rolls while still warm
in the baking dish.
Serve while still warm.
Of course Hubby and I had to eat one right away.
How could we not?
Hopefully, the remaining rolls will last until
Christmas morning to enjoy warmed up.

Do you have a Christmas morning tradition?

From our home to yours,
Have a Very Merry Christmas.
Until Next Time,

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