Sunday, March 22, 2020

It's Been 1 Year!

Oh my but it's been a while since I've
posted anything here on  my blog.
Life has been moving along and
not much has been happening here
as far as any new projects being created.
Our grandbabies keep me very busy.
Time spent with our grandbabies is
more important to me than any DIY projects.
Even though the DIY projects have come
to a screeching halt, my silver hair journey
has been moving along at a steady pace.
I just realized that I haven't been posting
my monthly updates on my silver hair journey
here on the blog. When I decided to stop dyeing my hair,
I started an Instagram account verniep0884 to document
my silver hair journey and was posting my monthly updates on that.
My Instagram account will automatically post to my Facebook
account  also. 
So let me catch you up on my silver hair journey.
I have finally reached the 1 year mark of growing
out my silvers!
Here is a reminder of how I looked at the
start of my silver hair journey
and here we are today.
1 year later.
What a difference a year can make.
I am loving my new hair color
and haven't regretted my decision to
go silver one bit.
Can you tell how happy I am?
I still have a ways to go to be completely silver
but I am in it for the long haul.
I will try to do a post about why I decided to
go silver and the myths that go along with
silver/gray hair.
I hope you have a lovely day and stay
safe and healthy.

That's it for today.
Until Next Time,

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