Monday, December 15, 2014

Deck the Halls

Only 11 days until Christmas!
Are you ready for Christmas?
Are your Christmas cards in the mail?
Is your Holiday baking done?

Is your Christmas tree up and decorated?
Do you have your Christmas shopping done?
Are the presents wrapped and under the tree?
Is your home ready to receive guests?
Have you "Decked the Halls"?
How is your stress level?

Oh the hustle and bustle of Christmas!
This year I decided to go easy on decorating the house for Christmas.
I just wanted a few very simple, no fuss, displays.

And as far as holiday baking goes, it just wouldn't seem like Christmas without making Nana's frosted sugar cookies.  Which by the way are completely gone!
10 dozen cookies, GONE!

I don't get fancy decorating the cookies because a certain someone (not mentioning any names Hubby) can't wait for them to get frosted.
So come on in and take a tour of our holiday home.
I really wanted to put greenery on the railing but our cat loves to chew on it.
Our Christmas tree.
I can't place the wrapped presents under the tree because our cat will chew on those also!
At least she doesn't climb the tree!
A simple display on the coffee table in the living room.
I did the mantel the same as last year because I liked the look so much.

Next we step into the kitchen.

The Hot Chocolate Bar has been simply set up.

The Secretary has been dressed up and the songs on Nana's clock have been changed to
play Christmas music.  This clock plays a short song every hour.
Even the trash bin gets a touch of Christmas.
Just a few simple displays have been set up in the dining room.
This display is on our dining room hutch.
Next year I'm hoping to decorate the inside of the hutch.
The Nativity has been set up on the pie safe.
That's it for our holiday home tour.
I'm trying to finish up one final Christmas project.  Hopefully, I will have it done
to show off next week.
Until next time,

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