Sunday, December 7, 2014

Ho, Ho, Ho

I bet you can't wait to see what I came up with.
Am I right?
Remember my Thanksgiving wreath?
I was shopping at Michael's one day and they had just put
out their Christmas ribbons and it was already on sale!
So being the ribbon junkie that I am, I had to check it out.
I noticed this ribbon with Santa on it and immediately thought
of our Son.  He likes anything Santa.
So of course I just had to buy it!  I knew that I would use it eventually, plus it
was on sale for 1/2 price!  I just can't pass up ribbon for 1/2 price!
 Somehow a few other spools just happened to jump into the cart as well!
Funny how that happens.
Our Son and DIL liked my Thanksgiving wreath.
So I decided I was going to make a Christmas wreath
for them and incorporate the Santa ribbon into it.
The base of the wreath was started with this plain red colored mesh.
Once I got it all on it just looked too plain.
So I added 2 more different red colored mesh.

It was starting to look pretty good at this point.
Then I started to add the ribbons and embellishments.
Boy, did that make a difference!
It went from being plain to
It was hard to get a good picture of this wreath because it has so much sparkle!
But it doesn't look gaudy by any means.
This wreath is HUGH!  It's 25" by 25" by 9" deep!
I love ribbon so much that I used 14 yards on this wreath!
Here is a side view so that you can see just how deep it is.
Notice all the sparkle?  The picture looks distorted because of the sparkle!
Here is a close up view.
This wreath is so full and thick.  It really does have that "WOW" factor!
Here is one more view.
It is so FESTIVE looking!
I gave it to our Son and DIL and they REALLY, REALLY,  liked it.
Katie said it was very "FESTIVE" looking!
Great minds do think alike!
They were already trying to decide where they were going to hang it.
I liked this one SO MUCH that I decided to make us one.
Because I like snowmen, I used snowman ribbon on ours.
There's something about snowmen that just brings a smile to your face!
This is our wreath.
A side view.
An angled view.
And one final view.
These wreaths are truly SPECTACULAR!
Now I need to get busy and "Deck the Halls"!
See you next week,

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