Sunday, May 3, 2015

All About H.O.M.E.

Today's post is all about home. 
Last week I promised that I would show you how I made my HOME letters that I placed beside my chalkboard.
But before I do, I wanted to share what Hubby has been up to.  Our shrubs in the front of our house were starting to look a little sparse and scraggly.  It was time to replace them.  This is a picture that was taken in the Fall.
Yesterday Hubby dug out the old shrubs, the ones under the window, and replaced them with 4 Boxwood shrub, and also put down new mulch around the entire house.  Our curb appeal is so much better now.  These Boxwood will fill in the area under the window nicely.
Everything is starting to green up and bloom around here.  This is our Magnolia tree in our backyard.
We got our first Hummingbird this morning!  It's always good to see them.  It means warmer weather!  It's 4:00p.m. and is 81 degrees and breezy here today.  We have all of our doors and windows open and sat and drank our morning cup of coffee on the back porch!  Life is good!
Let's get back to how I made my HOME letters.  I knew that I wanted to have the word HOME beside my chalkboard.  I thought that I would purchase some unfinished wood letters that I could paint and hang.  I looked at a couple of different craft stores and just could not find what I wanted.  I was looking for something with a little depth to it.  All of the wooden letters that I could find were only about 1/4 inch thick and either too small or too big.  Not what I was looking for.  Then I found these at Hobby Lobby which were the perfect size!  They measure 8 1/4" L x 5 1/4" W x 1" D, are very lightweight and don't need nails to hang them.  Cardboard letters!  I got each letter on sale for $1.49!  Regular price is $2.99 each.  Gotta love a sale!
I dug out my craft chalkboard paint and got to work painting them.  It only took me 1/2 hour to paint all 4 letters.
After they were dry, which only took a couple of minutes, I was ready to hang them.  I used this to hang them.  Tacky Putty.  This is strong enough to hold these letters, will not damage your paint, leave any kind of residue on your walls, plus you don't need nails to hang them.  Hubby liked the idea about no more nail holes in the wall!
Simply break a piece off and push onto the back of the letters in various places.
Place onto your wall, adding a little pressure to secure into place.
I didn't even do any measurements to hang these.  I just eyeballed them and made adjustments as needed.  That's the good thing about this Tacky Putty.  You can make adjustments very easily and quickly.  Simply remove from the wall and reposition as needed.  No extra putty required.  This project cost me under $10.00 to make!  No one will ever know that these letters aren't made from wood!  This was a very quick, simple and inexpensive home décor project that adds a casual touch of style.
That's it for this week.  I'm off to work on my next project.
Until Next Time,

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