Sunday, August 30, 2015

How Great Thou Art

Oh it's been a busy week to say the least.
I've been busy playing nurse.
On Thursday Hubby had surgery on his foot again.
This is his 4th surgery on this foot!
He had an accident 15 years ago and
it caused some nerve damage to his foot
which lately has been causing a lot of pain.
It was time to deal with this for the last time.

*Surgery went well and Hubby is
on his way to a LONG recovery.
Before Hubby had surgery I was busy filling Christmas orders
for my hymnal wreaths.
Here is a picture in case you missed it last year.
While I was in the process of removing pages from an old hymnal
this page literally fell out at me and landed on my lap!
This is mine and Hubby's favorite hymn!
I just knew that I had to do something with this page!
This is what I came up with.
I created my own custom framed art!
Next week I will show you how to create inexpensive DIY mats
for framing your own custom framed art work.
This is way CHEAPER than having it professionally done,
plus nobody will be able to tell the difference!
BTW have you heard Carrie Underwood sing this song?
Well that's it for this week I'm back to nursing the Hubby.
Until Next Time,

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