Sunday, September 6, 2015

P... On Our Front Door

Happy Labor Day Weekend!
I was going to post
"How to Mat Your Own Art Work"
but in my hast of trying to get things done
I didn't take any pictures!
Once I get another piece of art work that I
want to mat and frame I will take pictures!
I Promise!
Are you doing anything fun this weekend,
or are you like me and trying
to squeeze some projects in?
In between Hubby resting and
recovering from his surgery,
I have been able to get a few
of my projects that have been
on hold done.
One of those projects was ANOTHER new Fall wreath
for our front door.
What can I say...I like variety!
Did I fool you with the title?
I just couldn't resist!

 This really was a simple project but a little time consuming.
I did take some, not a lot, of pictures along the way.
I know that you will be able to do this without
a lot of visuals.
Here is how I made my Letter Wreath.
1 - Cardboard letter
1 - Ball of twine ( you can purchase this from Walmart in the jewelry making dept.)
*the thicker the twine the less you have to wrap*
Hot Glue Gun & glue sticks
Embellishments of choice
Ribbon (Optional)
I purchased a cardboard letter from Hobby Lobby. I timed it just right and they had all of their cardboard letters on sale.  Mine cost $5.99.  It measures 14" L x 10" W x 2" D, a nice size for a front door.
This is the twine that I used.
The first thing that I did was to cover the top and bottom of my letter.
I cut pieces of twine about 5 inches long and glued them across the top and bottom of the letter.
After you have the top and bottom of your letter wrapped you can begin wrapping the rest of your letter. Take the end of your twine and hot glue to the backside of your letter.  DO NOT CUT YOUR TWINE.  Start wrapping your letter all the way around and hot glue at the beginning of each wrap.  There really is no right or wrong way of wrapping your letter.  Do what you think looks best.
I got a little creative and added a little design on my letter.
 After I had my letter completely wrapped it was time to embellish it!

I created 3 flowers from felt...
and attached them to my wreath using Velcro.
I created a bow from satin ribbon and used Velcro again to attach it.
This way I will be able to easily change the look of my wreath when the mood strikes me.
My P wreath is complete! 

Costs to make this was $5.99.  I had everything from previous projects except
the cardboard letter.
I will do a  post on how I made my felt flowers at another time.
I hope you enjoyed my Letter wreath post.
Enjoy your long weekend!
Until Next Time,

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