Sunday, March 6, 2016

French Linen

Remember my cheap little stand that I gave
a facelift to?
Here is a picture to refresh your memory.
This is what it looked like before my paint brush got ahold of it.
And this was the after.
Well, I did it again.
I've changed a few things in our home office already!
I know, you're shocked, right?
I'm sorry, I just can't help myself!
Sometimes my rooms take time to evolve.
I like to do a little at a time, and sit back and ponder things,
and then do a little more as inspirations strike me.
Hubby had a doctor appointment a couple of weeks
ago and there happened to be a TJ Maxx close by.
So we stopped, and I found this.
I couldn't believe the price!
$23.00, with the lampshade included!
I've always admired these glass lamps, but not the price of them.
This one was marked down from $65.00 because
the little glass ball at the very top had fallen off.
They had it taped to the side of the lamp.
I grabbed that lamp so fast and headed to the checkout.
This elegant baby was coming home with me, loose finial ball and all!
I brought it home and glued the ball back on using E6000 glue.
Good as new!
Then placed it in our home office.
So, back to the story about the little blue and white stand.
It was the elegant glass lamp that started the domino effect.
This little stand just didn't seem to fit in anymore.
So, out came the paint brush again!
And this little stand got another facelift.
I left the bottom half the same color,
but painted the top using Annie Sloan,
French Linen, it's a dark gray with brown undertones.
 Depending on the time of day, the top of this stand can look brown or gray.
Then I swapped out the knob with a
beautiful glass knob that I found at Hobby Lobby.
 Now this little stand is beautiful,
and elegant, and perfect,
and fits right in.
Isn't it amazing what a little paint can do? 
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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