Sunday, May 29, 2016

Remembering Our Veterans

Oh my goodness
it's been awhile since I posted anything!

I've been a little busy behind the scenes
trying to get a few projects completed for
the downstairs bathroom.

I thought that I would take a break and
make a Patriotic wreath in honor of Memorial Day
to display on our front door.  I've been wanting to
make a patriotic wreath for some time and just
never got around to it until now.

A while back a co-worker ask me if I would
like to have a couple of old wreaths that were
her mother-in-law's.  She knew that I was a crafty person
and thought about me before she hauled them off to
the Thrift store to donate. This is one of the wreaths
that she brought me. I knew that I would make good use of this wreath.
I disassembled this wreath and made a new one.

This is what I turned it into!
What a difference huh?
The only thing I purchased for this wreath was
an American flag which costs me $20.00 from Home Depot.
Everything else was recycled or leftovers from other projects.

This is what it looks like with our screen door closed.
I love that you can still see the wreath through the screen.
This was a really quick and easy wreath to make.
It literally took me 45 minutes to make!
I know I say that about everything I do, but this really was easy.

Do you want to make one?

I'll show you how with a step-by-step tutorial.

You will need a wreath form. Mine measures 16 inches.
I recycled an old wreath and saved the flowers.
I purchased this size flag from Home Depot.
Remove the flag from the package and iron it to get all of the
wrinkles out.  Lay the flag out on a flat surface with the right side facing down.
Fold in half lengthwise.
Using your hands press a seam in the flag on the bottom.
Unfold the flag and fold the top and bottom towards the center hand pressed seam.
Using a hot glue gun, glue the bottom seam closed (the end with the stars).
Grab your wreath and lay it on top of the flag.
Place a glob of glue on the star and stripe corners and wrap around the wreath
and attach, being careful not to burn your fingers.

Tuck, fold and glue the center in place.
Turn the wreath over so that the flag is facing up.
Gather the flag on the right side and attach to the 
wreath in the upper right hand corner of the wreath with a zip tie.
Attach a bow to the zip tie area.
I make my own bows but you can purchase already made bows at craft stores.
Add a few sprigs of greenery and flowers.

A new Patriotic wreath.
This wreath will stay on our front door until Fall.
A big THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts goes out to all
of the Veterans who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. 
You are not forgotten!
Until Next Time,

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