Sunday, June 26, 2016

We Be Jammin'

Well, I was able to get Hubby's Strawberry Jam made.
It's a good thing we went to the strawberry patch again
on Thursday because today was the last day for strawberry picking.
Strawberry season only lasts about 2 weeks, any longer and the
berries are slim pickin'.

I wanted to get a picture of Hubby eating his jam
but he's a little camera shy.
So you will have to just enjoy the pictures of the jam I made.

Doesn't it look yummy?
It is beyond yummy!
The good thing about this jam is once you get it made
you can eat it immediately!
It can be refrigerated up to 3 week,
or placed into the freezer for 1 year.
If you are like this household it won't last a year,
let alone 3 weeks!

Would you like to know how I make this super easy jam?
No more standing over a hot stove to make jam!
Simply crush, stir and freeze.
Ya gotta love that!

Follow along and I'll show you how.

This is the magic to making this jam.
I pick this up in our local grocery store.
You can find this in any
grocery store in the canning section.
I used half pint and pint size jars to put my jam into,
but you can use any type of freezer container.
Add 1 1/2 cups of sugar into a large bowl
and add the packet of Freezer Jam Pectin.
Stir mixture to completely combine.
Add 4 cups of crushed fruit of choice.
*If you don't have fresh fruit you can
substitute frozen and get the same results.
Stir mixture for 3 minutes.
Ladle Freezer Jam into clean freezer containers,
making sure to leave 1/2 inch headspace for expansion.
Place lids on and let set for 30 minutes to thicken.
Serve immediately, refrigerate or freeze.
Wasn't that easy?

From one packet I got 2 pint jars and 4 half pint jars of jam.

It doesn't get much easier than that!

Oh the sweet taste of Summer!
I mailed a couple of jars of this jam to my FIL
because I know that he LOVES this jam,
and a couple of jars were given as
Thank You gifts.
These make wonderful gifts!

So go make some jam and share the sweetness!

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Shortness Of Summer

Happy Father's Day to all you Dads out there!

Oh my golly gosh!
We are already in the middle of June
and tomorrow is the first day of Summer!

And with Summer beginning that means

We look forward to strawberry season every year.
Strawberry picking season is in full swing around here.

Hubby and I went strawberry picking on Thursday
morning before we headed off to work.
It took us 10 minutes to pick 20 pounds of strawberries!
Yes, you read that right.
That's how polluted the strawberry plants were!
Oh, and the strawberries were HUGE!

The thing about picking so many strawberries
is I have to clean them.  I don't mind doing this
though because I LOVE strawberries!
You should see me when I clean them.

Did you ever watched the Lucille Ball show?
Do you remember the episode where Lucille and Ethel
worked at the chocolate factory?
Yep, that's what I look like when I'm cleaning strawberries!
As fast as I'm cleaning them I'm shoveling them in my mouth!
It's a good thing we pick a lot of strawberries!

Hubby couldn't wait until I was done.
He wanted some strawberry shortcake!
Usually I make biscuits for the strawberry shortcake,
but Hubby decided that he wanted Angel Food cake instead.
Luckily for me I thought ahead and grabbed a cake at the store.
I had to quick take my pictures for this blog post.
The shortcake was starting to topple.
It still tasted YUMMY though!
Now that Hubby had his Strawberry Shortcake,
he decided that he would like to have some Strawberry Freezer Jam!
Looks like I'm headed to the strawberry patch again
to get more strawberries!
Tomorrow the days start getting shorter!
So get out there and enjoy the Summer while it lasts.
Have a happy and safe Summer.

That's it for this week.

Until Next Time,

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Why Didn't I Think Of That!

We tend to wash our hands a lot around here.
Our kitchen sink has a built in soap dispenser
that is a handy little thing to have.
I love this thing except for one little thing.
The bottle that holds the soap is too small.
I am constantly having to refill it.
I went to refill it the other day and the
top of the bottle was broke.

A while back I came across a simple solution to my
problem of constantly having to refill my bottle.
Now was the perfect time to put it to use!

I removed the tube from the bottom of the dispenser
and took the pump part of the soap dispenser
down to our local hardware store and
purchased a hose that fit tightly onto
the base of the dispenser.
The hardware store sold the tubing by the foot.
I purchased 2 1/2 feet and it costs me $1.09.
I always keep a big bottle of  hand soap on hand to
refill the soap dispenser.
Once I had my new tubing attached to the soap dispenser pump,
I removed the lid from the big bottle of hand soap
and had Hubby drill the hole big enough to fit the tubing through.
I placed the lid back onto the big bottle of  hand soap
and placed the bottle under the sink in the corner where the
soap dispenser is. I reattached the soap dispenser with the
tubing and measured to make sure the tubing was long
enough to reach the bottom of the bottle of hand soap.
I cut the tubing at an angle and placed it inside the
hand soap bottle.
No more having to stand on my head to unscrew the small
soap dispenser bottle to refill!
 This 64 ounce bottle should last us a while!
I pumped the dispenser about 30 times before the soap
started to come out.  Once it starts you should be good to go!
I LOVE this idea!
It works like a charm!
Hubby didn't think this was going to work because it
was too far from the pump.
What a BRILLIANT idea.
Why didn't I think of that!
Such a simple thing that saves so much
time and frustration!

That's it for this week.

Until Next Time,