Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Greatest Gift

This year we celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve.
Today will be a day of lounging in our jammies all day
and doing very little.

I just wanted to pop in to share
a little of our Christmas Cheer with all of you.
No fancy bows or packaging needed.
He is the greatest gift we have
ever received from our Son & DIL!
He has already changed so much since we last saw him.
He is more alert, active, and can now focus
and follow you with his eyes.
His little arms and legs are in constant motion.
He was trying so hard to talk to us.
He is such a good baby, just like his Daddy was.
The only time he is fussy is when he is hungry.
He looks so much like his Daddy.
This is a picture of his Daddy when he was 1 day old.
We call this his Pirate face.
He loves to make this face...
aargh Matey.
He has captured our hearts.
Check back in tomorrow as I will have another quick post.
Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas.


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