Monday, December 26, 2016

Hamming It Up

Our preferred choice of meat for
Christmas dinner is a nice baked ham.

I quick snapped this picture of our
ham as I pulled it out of the oven.
I bought a simple hickory smoked ham
and made a Honey glaze for the topping.
Hubby couldn't wait to sink his teeth into this,
nor could the rest of us for that matter.
The smell from this ham cooking was unbelievably amazing!
Hubby kept commenting that it smelled like a BBQ smokehouse restaurant.
Our mouths were salivating!
When our Son arrived and got his first smell of this
ham cooking you could see the hunger in his eyes.
He immediately headed for the kitchen to try and
sneak a piece of ham, but he came up empty handed as it
hadn't been carved yet.

Each of the dinner plates were dressed for
Christmas dinner.
Double sided napkins that I made a few years ago
were folded into Christmas trees.
Each napkin took about 2 minutes to fold.
To unfold the napkin to use, simply grab the top
of the tree and give it a shake.
Dinner was a HUGE success.
Everyone walked away from the table stuffed!
The ham took center stage,
it was so incredibly good tasting,
juicy, smoky, sweet flavor....
 perfection at it's best!

I usually cook enough food so our
Son & DIL always get to take home
lots of leftovers.
I made sure I saved enough of this ham
so we could have another meal, or two, from it.
This ham was go good there was no way I
was sending it all home with Sonny!
Sorry Sonny.
I promise I'll make another one for Easter dinner.
That's all for this week.
Until Next Time,

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