Sunday, March 26, 2017

Muddy Buddy Krispie Bars

How is the weather where you live?
It has been raining here for the last 2 days.
The daffodil, hyacinths and iris
are finally peeking up out of the ground!
Hopefully, Old Man Winter has taken a hike.
The rain doesn't only bring the flowers
from their sleepy winter beds, it also
creates a lot of mud that gets tracked
into the house if we're not careful where we step.
Which brings me to this post.
Hubby has a horrendous sweet tooth.
He was craving something sweet but
couldn't find anything in the house.
He asked me if I could make something
sweet to satisfy his sweet tooth.
So I dug through the pantry and found
everything I needed to make these
"Muddy Buddy Krispie Bars".
These are so easy to make.
No baking required.
They literally took about 15 minutes to make.

They were exactly what Hubby was craving,
sweet, chocolatey and crunchy.
 These should tide Hubby over until next weekend.
This is the kind of mud you don't mind having in the house.
2 Tablespoons butter
1/2 cup peanut butter (creamy or chunky)
1 (10 ounce) bag marshmallows
2 cups chocolate chips
6 cups Rice Krispie cereal
1/2 cup powdered sugar, for sprinkling
Spray a 9 x 13" pan with nonstick cooking spray.
Measure 6 cups of Rice Krispie cereal into a large bowl and set aside.
In a large microwave safe bowl, place butter, peanut butter, marshmallow, and chocolate. Heat in 30 second increments, stirring between each until the mixture is melted. Working quickly, stir in the rice krispies.
Press mixture into greased pan. Let cool completely.
Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar, cut into square.
Store into an airtight container.
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Dump The Frump!

I have never kept my age a secret.
I'm 55 and a Grandma for the first time.
When people call me Grandma I don't get angry.
I just can't help but get a big smile on my
face because it makes me think of our Grandson.
I LOVE it!
Besides, I've earned that Grandma title!
Some people might consider 55 as old.
Just because I'm 55 and a Grandma doesn't mean I have to look
old and frumpy, but I also don't want to look like
I'm trying to look 20 either.
I can still see my Grandma wearing her
Duster dresses and sensible looking shoes
and never wearing any makeup ever.
I remember thinking as a child that she always
looked like she was tired and had no energy
even though it was early in the day.
Thank goodness times and styles have changed.
I have always loved fashion but when you're
my age there just aren't many role models in the
40 and up age groups to draw inspiration from.
So I do the best I can to put an outfit together
yet stay true to my own style and still look age appropriate.

I had to run a few errands on Saturday and this is
the outfit I wore. I wanted to wear something that
was warm and comfortable because I was planning on
doing a lot of walking yet not look frumpy or youthful looking.
This outfit was perfect.

I started with a Gray Eddie Bauer Cardigan and black leggings.
I didn't want the outfit to look drab and bland so I
added a pop of color with a simple coral colored tank top.
To add just a little bit more interest I added
a black and silver pendant on a long silver chain.
For the lower half I wore black boots with silver buckles.
These boots are incredibly comfortable if you plan on doing a lot of walking.
I can wear these boots all day long and not have any foot issues.
That's my kind of footwear!
Stylish yet comfortable.
To pull the whole outfit together I carried a black
and gray purse with silver buckles.
Grandmas sure have changed over the years, don't you agree?
Although this is a casual look it is a far cry from
being dumpy and frumpy looking.
Dressing casually doesn't mean you have to give up style.

From time to time I will be posting some of my outfits that I put together.
Not because I'm vain but because I am trying to learn more
about photography and Hubby refuses to be my model, plus it
helps me get a better view of what works and what doesn't
when I'm putting together an outfit.

Yes, I did take these pictures myself.
See, I'm already learning. 😉

When I snapped these pictures it was 20 degrees outside!
At least the sun was shining. 😎

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, March 12, 2017

In Like A Lion

February 24th brought us freezing rain
around these parts of the country.
Not fun driving home in that mess!
But it sure was beautiful on Saturday
with the sun shining on it all day.

Even though everything was coated with a thick
layer of ice it didn't stop us from seeing our Grandson!
He changes so much in between visits.
He has the most perfect heart-shaped lips!
He caught his first cold from daycare and was a
little tired so we didn't stay long to visit.
We let Daddy feed him and Mommy rocked him to sleep.
Finally, by Tuesday all of our snow and freezing rain
had melted.

Then BAM!

March 1st comes In Like A Lion!
We received 5 inches of snow.

When it was all said and done we had a beautiful winter wonderland.
 The the sun came out and made the snow nice and sparkly.
Our snow has since melted but the weatherman
has informed us that we can expect to receive
another 6-8 inches of snow tomorrow.

Spring, where are you!?

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

Sunday, March 5, 2017


I love to accessorize my outfits.
Whether it be with scarves, or with
a piece of jewelry, I just feel
more put together.

 A few years ago I was into making jewelry and
 made a few shorter necklaces that I really like.

I do like to wear long necklaces with my
outfits but I only own a couple that I bought years ago.

I have been trying to use up my numerous
craft making supplies and declutter our home.
I still had a bunch of jewelry making supplies
left so I thought why not dig out the supplies
and make some long necklaces?
I recently had a 3 day weekend and got
to work making long necklaces. I had
such a big stash of supplies left that I
was able to create 8 long necklaces!
Here are the ones I made with a close
up of each one.

I have a thing for hearts.

Long tassel necklaces are very popular
again this year. So I had to make one for myself.

I love that my necklaces and scarves coordinate
with my outfits.

As I wear my scarves and necklaces I will
try and post pictures so that you can
see how they look.
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,