Sunday, March 19, 2017

Dump The Frump!

I have never kept my age a secret.
I'm 55 and a Grandma for the first time.
When people call me Grandma I don't get angry.
I just can't help but get a big smile on my
face because it makes me think of our Grandson.
I LOVE it!
Besides, I've earned that Grandma title!
Some people might consider 55 as old.
Just because I'm 55 and a Grandma doesn't mean I have to look
old and frumpy, but I also don't want to look like
I'm trying to look 20 either.
I can still see my Grandma wearing her
Duster dresses and sensible looking shoes
and never wearing any makeup ever.
I remember thinking as a child that she always
looked like she was tired and had no energy
even though it was early in the day.
Thank goodness times and styles have changed.
I have always loved fashion but when you're
my age there just aren't many role models in the
40 and up age groups to draw inspiration from.
So I do the best I can to put an outfit together
yet stay true to my own style and still look age appropriate.

I had to run a few errands on Saturday and this is
the outfit I wore. I wanted to wear something that
was warm and comfortable because I was planning on
doing a lot of walking yet not look frumpy or youthful looking.
This outfit was perfect.

I started with a Gray Eddie Bauer Cardigan and black leggings.
I didn't want the outfit to look drab and bland so I
added a pop of color with a simple coral colored tank top.
To add just a little bit more interest I added
a black and silver pendant on a long silver chain.
For the lower half I wore black boots with silver buckles.
These boots are incredibly comfortable if you plan on doing a lot of walking.
I can wear these boots all day long and not have any foot issues.
That's my kind of footwear!
Stylish yet comfortable.
To pull the whole outfit together I carried a black
and gray purse with silver buckles.
Grandmas sure have changed over the years, don't you agree?
Although this is a casual look it is a far cry from
being dumpy and frumpy looking.
Dressing casually doesn't mean you have to give up style.

From time to time I will be posting some of my outfits that I put together.
Not because I'm vain but because I am trying to learn more
about photography and Hubby refuses to be my model, plus it
helps me get a better view of what works and what doesn't
when I'm putting together an outfit.

Yes, I did take these pictures myself.
See, I'm already learning. 😉

When I snapped these pictures it was 20 degrees outside!
At least the sun was shining. 😎

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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