Sunday, March 12, 2017

In Like A Lion

February 24th brought us freezing rain
around these parts of the country.
Not fun driving home in that mess!
But it sure was beautiful on Saturday
with the sun shining on it all day.

Even though everything was coated with a thick
layer of ice it didn't stop us from seeing our Grandson!
He changes so much in between visits.
He has the most perfect heart-shaped lips!
He caught his first cold from daycare and was a
little tired so we didn't stay long to visit.
We let Daddy feed him and Mommy rocked him to sleep.
Finally, by Tuesday all of our snow and freezing rain
had melted.

Then BAM!

March 1st comes In Like A Lion!
We received 5 inches of snow.

When it was all said and done we had a beautiful winter wonderland.
 The the sun came out and made the snow nice and sparkly.
Our snow has since melted but the weatherman
has informed us that we can expect to receive
another 6-8 inches of snow tomorrow.

Spring, where are you!?

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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