Sunday, August 6, 2017

Signs of Fall

Can you believe it's August already!
We've had a hot, humid and rainy
summer this year.
I noticed that signs of fall
are starting to show up.
Our Burning bush is starting to turn red,
along with the sedum that flanks our lamp post.
The sedum will eventually look like this as fall progresses.
Our hydrangeas are starting to fade in color,
but are still beautiful as they fade and dry out.

The early part of July we planted a Kopper King Hibiscus
aka Rose of Sharon bush.
Excuse our weeds.
We haven't had much time to weed around here lately.
We weren't expecting it to bloom this fall.
Imagine our surprise when we noticed this today!
Aren't those flowers gorgeous?
The flowers are HUGE!
This shrub blooms from summer into late fall.
We also planted a Red Prince Weigela (pronounced wa-gel-la) shrub
which will bloom in early summer and again in late summer.
I didn't take a picture of this shrub but here is the
tag that was attached to it.
*Aunt Helen if you are reading this, this is the shrub
that your neighbor, Sam, has planted by her mailbox.
It will eventually look like this come early summer
and continue to bloom into late summer.
It puts on quite the show.
A few weeks ago I snapped this picture out of our
bedroom window of our twins.
Today Hubby and I were in the garage making all kinds
of noise running the saw. The twins decided to come out
and get a bite to eat. They weren't even afraid of all the
noise we were making.
One of them decided to come and get a drink in our water hole.
I was able to get within 10 feet of this fawn.
I started to talk to it and it just looked at me.
It finally got it's fill and walked away.
We are working on a new project that is going to
take us awhile to finish.  I'm hoping it turns out
how I envision it to be. I'll be sure to post it when
it's finished, so stay tuned.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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