Sunday, August 27, 2017

Straight As an Arrow

Before I get into my original post this week
I thought I would share a funny story about myself.
I know, who does that!
Me apparently.
I thought since the Powerball jackpot was so
HUGE I would get a group of co-workers together
to see if we could win that bad boy.
So I collected everyone's money on Tuesday
and went down to our local convenience store on
Wednesday morning before I got ready for work.
I hadn't even had my morning coffee.
I knew that I wouldn't have time to purchase the
tickets after work on Tuesday or Wednesday night.
So off I went to get our winning lottery ticket!
As I was waiting for the tickets to print I
happened to look down at my feet for some reason.
I had to chuckle to myself because this is what I saw.
How could we NOT win with a shoe combination like that!
Luckily, I was the only one in the store at the time.
If the two clerks working the store noticed they were
polite enough not to say anything.
Sadly, my mismatched shoes didn't get us the winning ticket.
Oh well, at least everyone got a kick (pun intended) out of it though.

O.k., onto my original post.

I did it again.
I filled another blank wall
and it only costs me $6.00!

It's the wall that we see when we go down
to the family room. I tried hanging wreaths
and pictures in this spot but just wasn't happy with
the look of them. Then I had an idea about hanging
a set of arrows, one up, and one down.
You know, like directional arrows.
I needed at least 4 foot arrows to fill in this blank space.
I couldn't find any 4 foot long arrows for this area,
so Hubby and I create these using 1"x 3"x 8' boards.
I didn't take any pictures of the steps to make these
because they are so incredibly simple to make.

Take one of the 8 foot boards and cut in half.
Take the second 8 foot board and cut 8 pieces, 8 inches long.
Cut each of the 8 inch pieces at 45° angles on each end.

If you decide that you want your arrows painted,
or stained, now is the time to do it before you put
your arrows together.

I decided that I wanted my arrows stained.
This is the stain that I chose because:

1. I already had it in my painting supply stash,
2. I really like the color that this stain gives to wood.
After the boards were dry Hubby nailed them together
and added a sawtooth hanger on the back.

Then we hung them up.

One more look.
I like them because they add a little bit of interest to an
otherwise blah and boring looking wall, plus they
blend in so well with the rest of our decor.

This picture shows how the stain brings out the variations
of color in the wood, which provided the added texture I was going for.
Home decor for $6.00 that looks stylish and provides added texture.

I'll take it!

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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