Sunday, January 7, 2018

Chasing The Chill Away

How are the temperatures where you live?
We have been having a real cold snap here
with temps in the low teens to single digits
during the day, and night time temps around -11°.

I don't know about you, but I'm sure tired of
this cold weather already. I hate to even walk
outside to get the mail. It's so hard to get warm
even after being out in that cold for just a few minutes.
One way that I like to chase the cold away is with a hot drink.
I named this drink my
I usually have a batch of Homemade Peppermint Hot Chocolate
mix in our pantry ready and waiting for these cold winter days.

Just heat up a cup of milk and add the
Peppermint Hot Chocolate mix.
Pour into a mug and add a special touch
 with a snowman topper.
Adults and kids alike will love this.
Not only will you be chasing the chill away
and adding a smile to their faces,
you will also be creating special memories.

To create the snowman you will need:
pretzel sticks,
candy corn (our grocery store sells this year round),
and a tube of
Dec A Cake Black Writing Gel

To hold the snowman together I used a pretzel
stick in the top and bottom of one marshmallow
then added a marshmallow on the top and bottom
and squeezed them together.
Add the nose, arms and legs.
Create the face and buttons.

Add your snowman to your cup of hot cocoa.
As he is basking in his hot tub he will start
to melt away and chase your cold chills away.
He is completely edible.

6 ounces Candy Canes, finely crushed
2+1/2 cups Dry Powdered Milk
1 cup Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa Powder
1+1/2 cups Confectioners' Sugar
1 Tablespoon Cornstarch

Mix together all ingredients and pour into a Mason Jar with lid.

To make Hot Chocolate: Combine 1/3 cup mix with 1 cup hot milk.

Stay Warm,
Until Next Time,

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