Sunday, January 21, 2018

Renewing Grout

We have a few rooms in our home that have tiled floors.
I just realized that I never posted about
how I updated our dirty, grimy, yucky looking grout
and completely transformed the look of our floors.
No matter how much I scrubbed that grout it just wasn't coming clean.
I don't believe that the grout was ever sealed on any of our tiled floors.
Here is a before picture of the 
tiled floor in our downstairs bathroom.
I had just got done mopping this floor.
See how bad the grout was?
After I performed my magic this is what it looks like now.
We couldn't believe the difference it made with this floor.
 It looked like a newly tiled floor.
After we saw what a difference updating this floor made
I couldn't help but update all the tiled floors in the house.
So, for 1 month, every weekend, I sat on my butt and
painted all of the grout on our floors.
2 full baths✔
half bath✔
laundry room✔
Here is a list of supplies and how I did it.

Grout Renew - less than $8.00 per bottle
small artist paint brush
small plastic container to hold the paint
wet rag
bucket of warm water to rinse the rag out

I picked up this GroutRenew from Home Depot in the flooring section.
It comes in a few different colors.
This GroutRenew is stain and fade resistant and is so easy to use.
Simply pour in a container, no mixing required, and start painting.
I used an artist paint brush, working on a small area at a time,
I started applying the paint.
I painted one line at a time and then immediately wiped off the excess.
You can see the results immediately and the paint was dry within 15 minutes
of painting. Although, the instruction recommend not walking on the newly
painted floor for 24 hours.
It was a time consuming project but so worth it to achieve the end result.
Beautifully tiled floors with clean grout.
This tiled floor is in our foyer and half bath.
We walk on our tiled floors numerous times a day
and they still look just as good as the first day I painted them.
They wash up so easy. No special products are needed to keep them clean.
I use a mixture of white vinegar and water, that's it.
I never use soap.
I don't want a filmy residue left behind.
I bought 2 different shades and updated 6 areas in our home
for around $16.00 and still have over half bottle of each shade.

For just a few dollars and a little sweat equity,
this is a very inexpensive project that will
keep your home looking beautiful.

Not bad if I do say so myself.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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