Sunday, March 25, 2018

How To Transform A Timeworn Dresser

Don't you love seeing a good Before and After?
Oh good, me too.
*I am in no way compensated for any of the products I show.
These are my go to products that I use time and time again
which do exactly as they claim.*

Once Hubby and I got this piece home
I couldn't wait to start transforming this
dresser and bringing it back to life.
The first thing I did was sand down the top.
I  almost got to the point of throwing in the towel
because the stain/paint/varnish was so thick it took
FOREVER to sand off a small section, but
 once I got my first glimpse of the beautiful natural wood
color under all that nastiness that's all the encouragement
I needed to keep going. I'm so glad I didn't give up.
After seeing how beautiful the wood tone
was I decided not to stain or paint the top.

I wanted to show it's natural beauty off.
I added a coat of Minwax Paste Finishing Wax to protect the top.
Love this stuff.
Next, I removed the knobs and keyhole covers and wiped
down the entire dresser using Clorox wipes to remove
all of the dirt and grime.
Using wood putty I filled in any deep scratches, dents, holes and cracks.
This is the wood putty I use. It goes on pink and dries a light beige color.
Once the wood putty was dry I sanded down
the areas until I had a smooth finish.
Using a shop vac with a brush attachment I vacuumed
the dresser down to remove all the fine dust from sanding.

Now I was ready to paint.
I painted the dresser using 3 light coats of leftover Farmhouse white chalk paint.
I let each layer dry completely before applying the next.
When using chalk paint there is no need to prime your piece.
This is the 2nd drawer that had the big crack in it.
You can't even tell it was cracked.

I let the paint dry overnight then sealed the body of the dresser
using Annie Sloan Clear Wax.
It was time to add my new knobs.
Aren't these knobs just perfect for this dresser?
The best place I found for unique knobs is Hobby Lobby.
They have a huge selections to choose from and I
always wait until they have a 50% off sale.
These knobs costs me $2.99 each.
After much searching I was able to find keyhole covers
on an Ebay store that were the same size as the old ones
but they only came in a gold finish.
I wasn't too concerned about that. I had an easy remedy to fix it.
Rub and Buff to the rescue. I used the Silver Leaf color.
You can find this in any craft store.
Simpy rub it on and let it dry, then buff to obtain a shiny finish.
Just look at that beautiful dresser top!
Are you ready to see the surprise inside the drawers?
I lined each of the drawers with some leftover material from my stash.
It adds a little special touch to this dresser.
Before adding the material I wanted to make sure that the stain
marks didn't show through the material.
I applied a coat of primer over all the stains.
This is my favorite primer.
After the primer had dried I applied a coat of Mod Podge using
a foam brush and then laid down my fabric and smoothed it out.
What a nice surprise now when you open the drawers.
This dresser now sits in our dining room and holds
all of our table linens.
It's finally nice to have one designated area
to keep all of these corralled.
With a little sweat equity and a big imagination
I was able to turn this old worn out dresser into
a thing of  beauty with a new purpose. I'm so happy
that our Son and DIL didn't donate this dresser.
This dresser cost me $25.00 to restore only because
I bought new knobs and keyhole covers.
Where else can you find a beautiful dresser
for that price? I'd say I got one heck of a deal! 

I wander what our Son will think of this dresser now?

Check back in next week as I have a new
Masterpiece to show off.

That's it for this week.

Until Next Time,

Sunday, March 18, 2018

An Old Beauty

Last week I mentioned that we are expecting
twin grand babies in the near future and that
I inherited this old dresser from our Son and DIL.
Our Son and DIL are in the process of preparing a room
for the new arrivals and have been sorting, throwing
and donating items. One of the items that was going
to be donated to Goodwill was this old dresser.
Luckily, before our Son hauled it off to Goodwill
our DIL thought of me and how I like to restore old things
and bring them back to life. Our Son called and ask if I would
like to look at this dresser before they hauled it off to Goodwill.
He mentioned that it was in pretty rough shape.
As soon as I saw this dresser
I knew it was coming home with me.
It is an antique and is made of solid wood.
Even the drawer slides are made of wood,
and all of the drawers are dove tailed.
It has all of the original wood wheels which are in great shape.
But before I show you the after let me show you
how bad this dresser actually looked up close and personal.
It looked like whoever finished this dresser
combined paint, stain and varnish together and slapped it on,
There was white paint spattered or wiped all over it.
The top was scratched and nicked.
I don't know if this dresser had a mirror attached or it
simply had a back piece missing.
The middle drawer had a big crack in it
and the bottom drawer had a big deep scratch
(which I forgot to take a picture of).
One of the drawers was missing a keyhole cover.
The keyhole covers were thick with grim
and the inside of the drawers had big stain marks.
Hubby just wasn't feeling it, but me, I could
see beyond all of the grim, cracks,
dents, scratches and nicks.
I could see the potential in this beauty.

So, are you ready to see the after?

Oh, if you're someone who doesn't like to
see antiques touched in any way you might
not want to look at the after.

O.k., you've been warned.
Here goes!

and After.
We LOVE it's new look!
Hubby was amazed at the transformation of this beauty.
You would never know by looking at it that it used to
be an old worn out dresser that had seen better days.
Here is a side by side comparison.
Check back next week and I will show you
some close ups of this beauty and talk about
how I transformed this piece with a special
surprise inside.

Until Next Time,

Sunday, March 11, 2018

A New Life

Goodness gracious it's been awhile since
I last wrote a post, not that I didn't want to mind you,
it's just that we have had a lot happening around here lately.
Let me try and catch you up with life in our house.

First off, I finally decided to pull the plug and retire!
Me, being retired.
I still can't seem to wrap my head around that idea.
My paperwork process has begun and let me tell
you what a process it has been so far.
Let's just say it's easier to get hired than
it is to retire from my place of employment.
It deserves it own post!

Once I decided on a date to retire, I also
made the decision to work as much overtime as possible.
I wanted to earn a few extra $$ so I could buy some
STUFF without cutting into the household budget.
Working 6 days a week, sometimes 9 days in a row, doesn't
leave you much time for anything else,
hence the lack of blog posts.

I've also started working a different
shift before I retire and am trying to adjust to the
new work hours.

And in more exciting news,
and this is BIG, no, HUGE news.
 We are having TWINS!
Well, not Hubby and I of course,
our Son and DIL are.
This news not only left us speechless and walking around
in a daze for a few days but everyone else as well.
We knew that they had been trying for a while to have another baby.
They knew that they were pregnant but didn't want to let the cat out of the bag
until it was officially confirmed, never imagining it was twins.
Imagine their shock when they found out!
after I retire I will have a few months to play
before I start a more important job, and a new life,
as a Nanny Granny to our grand babies.
It doesn't seem like much, but it sure
has changed our life, all in a good way.

Now that you are all caught up as to what has been
happening around here I thought I'd show you
something that I inherited from our Son that is
getting a new life as well.
Check back in next week and I'll reveal how I gave
this old dresser a new look and life.

Until Next Time,