Sunday, March 11, 2018

A New Life

Goodness gracious it's been awhile since
I last wrote a post, not that I didn't want to mind you,
it's just that we have had a lot happening around here lately.
Let me try and catch you up with life in our house.

First off, I finally decided to pull the plug and retire!
Me, being retired.
I still can't seem to wrap my head around that idea.
My paperwork process has begun and let me tell
you what a process it has been so far.
Let's just say it's easier to get hired than
it is to retire from my place of employment.
It deserves it own post!

Once I decided on a date to retire, I also
made the decision to work as much overtime as possible.
I wanted to earn a few extra $$ so I could buy some
STUFF without cutting into the household budget.
Working 6 days a week, sometimes 9 days in a row, doesn't
leave you much time for anything else,
hence the lack of blog posts.

I've also started working a different
shift before I retire and am trying to adjust to the
new work hours.

And in more exciting news,
and this is BIG, no, HUGE news.
 We are having TWINS!
Well, not Hubby and I of course,
our Son and DIL are.
This news not only left us speechless and walking around
in a daze for a few days but everyone else as well.
We knew that they had been trying for a while to have another baby.
They knew that they were pregnant but didn't want to let the cat out of the bag
until it was officially confirmed, never imagining it was twins.
Imagine their shock when they found out!
after I retire I will have a few months to play
before I start a more important job, and a new life,
as a Nanny Granny to our grand babies.
It doesn't seem like much, but it sure
has changed our life, all in a good way.

Now that you are all caught up as to what has been
happening around here I thought I'd show you
something that I inherited from our Son that is
getting a new life as well.
Check back in next week and I'll reveal how I gave
this old dresser a new look and life.

Until Next Time,

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