Sunday, March 18, 2018

An Old Beauty

Last week I mentioned that we are expecting
twin grand babies in the near future and that
I inherited this old dresser from our Son and DIL.
Our Son and DIL are in the process of preparing a room
for the new arrivals and have been sorting, throwing
and donating items. One of the items that was going
to be donated to Goodwill was this old dresser.
Luckily, before our Son hauled it off to Goodwill
our DIL thought of me and how I like to restore old things
and bring them back to life. Our Son called and ask if I would
like to look at this dresser before they hauled it off to Goodwill.
He mentioned that it was in pretty rough shape.
As soon as I saw this dresser
I knew it was coming home with me.
It is an antique and is made of solid wood.
Even the drawer slides are made of wood,
and all of the drawers are dove tailed.
It has all of the original wood wheels which are in great shape.
But before I show you the after let me show you
how bad this dresser actually looked up close and personal.
It looked like whoever finished this dresser
combined paint, stain and varnish together and slapped it on,
There was white paint spattered or wiped all over it.
The top was scratched and nicked.
I don't know if this dresser had a mirror attached or it
simply had a back piece missing.
The middle drawer had a big crack in it
and the bottom drawer had a big deep scratch
(which I forgot to take a picture of).
One of the drawers was missing a keyhole cover.
The keyhole covers were thick with grim
and the inside of the drawers had big stain marks.
Hubby just wasn't feeling it, but me, I could
see beyond all of the grim, cracks,
dents, scratches and nicks.
I could see the potential in this beauty.

So, are you ready to see the after?

Oh, if you're someone who doesn't like to
see antiques touched in any way you might
not want to look at the after.

O.k., you've been warned.
Here goes!

and After.
We LOVE it's new look!
Hubby was amazed at the transformation of this beauty.
You would never know by looking at it that it used to
be an old worn out dresser that had seen better days.
Here is a side by side comparison.
Check back next week and I will show you
some close ups of this beauty and talk about
how I transformed this piece with a special
surprise inside.

Until Next Time,

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