Tuesday, May 22, 2018

A Birthday Request

It's Hubby's birthday!
Every year I ask Hubby what he would
like for his birthday and every year it is
always the same request.

A yellow cake with chocolate frosting.
Not a store bought yellow cake with chocolate frosting,
or a cake made from a box mix.
It had to be my very own made from scratch cake
with chocolate buttercream frosting.😍

What a simple request that I am always
willing to fulfill each year for my Hubby.

I created little chocolate rosettes for the top.
Gotta love that extra frosting!
Hubby couldn't wait to dig into this cake.
I can't say as I blame him.
There's nothing better than cake made from scratch.
Besides, it's his birthday and he can do whatever he wants.
Well, within reason that is.😄
Happy 59th Birthday Hubby!
That's it for today.

Until Next Time,

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