Sunday, December 2, 2018


I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving
and you were able to share it with family
and friends.

Our Son and Daughter-in-law celebrated
Thanksgiving in Iowa with family there.

This year we celebrated Thanksgiving
on Saturday because there was no
way our son was going to miss out
on his Mom's traditional Thanksgiving dinner.
So, a Saturday Thanksgiving dinner it was.
Plus, I didn't want to miss out on an
opportunity to spend time with our grandchildren
and pass on our family traditions.

Our grandson grabbed his 2 stuffed animals and his
favorite blanket and crawled up on Papa's lap to watch football.
We are all about traditions in our home.
One of those traditions is to have our
Christmas tree up and decorated for

This year I was super excited about
putting up the Christmas tree because our
oldest grandson turned two.
I wanted to be able to capture the
moments when he first spotted the tree.
Upon arriving he quickly spotted the tree
and ran over to it and was in awe.
Then he sat down and just starred at it.
After he was done looking he wanted to start exploring.
Our tree is never off limits to children.
I want them to be able to touch and explore.
All breakable ornaments are hung high out of
the reach of little fingers.
He made his way around the tree touching and exploring.
He was so gentle with the ornaments.

After he was done exploring the top of the tree
he crawled under the tree
to check out the lights.
His favorite blanket is always with him.

Another tradition that I've been doing since
our son was young is to buy a
Christmas ornament and attach it to one
of his presents. He has quite the collection
to decorate his own Christmas tree now.
I will continue this tradition with our grandchildren as well.
I can't wait until Christmas arrives to capture those moments
when our grandson gets to see
the presents under the tree.
You can bet I'll have my camera ready!
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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