Time changes all things.
Oh, if only we could stop time.
Wouldn't that be nice?
The way I see it, you have two
choices when it comes to the passing of time.
You can try to fight it and be miserable,
or you can embrace it gracefully and be happy.
I choose to embrace it gracefully and be happy.
Now that I'm retired and living a some what
slower paced life,
I cherish time and life more.
I snapped this picture of myself on May 11, 2019,
the day before Mother's Day.
I'm 57 years young.
This picture is straight out of the camera.
No tweaking or touch up done.
A few things that I've noticed with the passing of time
to my body are:
My skin and hair has become drier.
My skin and hair react badly to chemicals
in products that I've used for years.
I am losing a lot of my hair.
Luckily, I have a ton of it.
I'm more sensitive to fragrances.
A few more wrinkles have made their appearance.
My skin has gotten thinner and lighter in color.
I have aches and pains in the knees, hips, feet and
back if I do anything strenuous for any length of time.
Just because my body has changed over time
doesn't mean that I have to give up on living life.
It's just my body's way of telling me that I have to make a few adjustments.
Go at a slower pace and to nourish my body with more
healthy foods and beauty products to keep living life to the fullest.
So....I've decided to embark on a new journey.
I'm blazing a new trail people.
Who better to blaze my trail than myself?
I will be joining the Silver Fox Club.
In order to be a member of this elite club
I will be totally eliminating one major thing from my life.
I will no longer be coloring my hair!
I've finally realized that my hair color doesn't define who I really am.
Rather, it's my sense of vitality and character that does.
I'm going SILVER!
Au Natural.
I had Hubby snap this picture after I washed my hair
to show you how much silver I have.

It's been 7 weeks since my last hair color appointment.
Do you noticed those short wispy silver hairs towards the
front of my head?
That is new silver hair growth.
By eliminating the hair dye my hair is already
starting to get healthy and grow new hair.
This picture is when my hair is dry. You can really see
those short, curly, wispy silvers.
I noticed my first gray hairs when I was 16!
I'm so done wasting time, money and dumping chemicals
on my head trying to fight a losing battle with the silver strands.
I have finally come to the point in my life where
I'm comfortable embracing the gray.
The first few months are going to be the toughest.
It won't always be pretty or easy.
At times, it may seem like I am letting myself go.
That is not the case.
It is all part of reaching the end of a trailblazing journey.

I refuse to believe what the beauty and fashion industries dictate
about what is beautiful and fashionable for women as we age.
Why is it that when men let their hair turn silver
we as a society accept it and consider them distinquished?
Yet, when a woman lets her hair turn to silver,
we consider her to be old and not caring about her
appearance anymore.
We aging women are forgotten and put out to pasture
for the more youthful women.
Case in point, how many supermodels to you see
who are in their 30s, or 40s and beyond?
Or better yet, ones that have gray, silver or white hair.
We as aging women need to fight back and show the
beauty and fashion industries that we can
be graceful and beautiful as we continue to age
no matter what color our hair is.
Besides, last I knew silver was a color.
Look at all those silvers!

I'm well on my way to becoming a Silver Fox!
Believe me when I say,
I am so EXCITED about this new journey.
I can't wait to see how my hair turns out
once the dyed color is gone.
Will it make me look old and ready to be
put out to the pasture?
Who knows.
Only time will tell.
So follow along with me on this trailblazing journey to
see how I morph into a Silver Fox.
In case you were wondering.
Yes, those are my natural curls.
I simply wash and condition my hair.
I use my fingers to comb through my hair
and scrunch up the curls. Then I let it air dry.
No brushes, combs, blow dryer, or curling iron EVER.
Whether we like to admit it or not,
time does catch up with us.
So be a trailblazer and go against the beauty and fashion
industries to prove that we can be beautiful as we age naturally.
So, are you one to fight it,
or are you going to embrace
time gracefully and blaze your own trail?
That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,