Sunday, June 30, 2019

Divided We Stand

Today we are talking kitchen drawer organization.
Do you have a kitchen drawer that looks like this?
Or this?
I realize that these drawers don't look that bad to some people,
but to me I was tired of  these small dividers for my drawers
and not being able to utilize the whole drawer.
Everything just seemed so cramped and messy
for my liking.

Have you seen those custom made drawer dividers?

Everything is so organized and the whole drawer is utilized.
Although these are  nice, I couldn't find ones that would
fit my drawers perfectly. In order to have what I wanted
custom made by a cabinet maker was more than I was
willing to fork over.


So I did a little brainstorming and came up with
an idea that Hubby and I could build our own.

The first thing I did was laid out how I wanted
each drawer to look.
Next, I drew out a rough drawing for the dividers for each drawer.
Then it was off to Home Depot to see if we could find something
that would work for my drawer divider idea.

We ended up getting (6) 1/4 inch x 3 inch x 3 foot pieces
of unfinished poplar boards which costs $2.54 each.

Using my diagrams Hubby was able to create 3
custom made drawer dividers in an afternoon.
I had Hubby build the dividers and just set them
into the drawers. I didn't want them to be permanently
secured. I wanted to be able to remove them to
clean the drawers when needed and not have to
clean around a bunch of cubbies.

Total cost for 3 custom made dividers: less than $16.00!

Oh how I love to be organized!

Our kitchen remodel is nearing the end.
We've had a few unexpected setbacks
and a couple of projects that I am working
on before I officially call it done.

Stay tuned.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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