Sunday, June 16, 2019

Continuing The Silver Fox Journey

Just a quick update on my Silver Fox Journey.

It's been 12 weeks since I last colored my hair.
I just had 2 inches of color cut off to help
my hair become healthier.
I wouldn't even let my hairstylist wash my hair
before cutting it, just wet it down with water.
 I didn't want any shampoo or
conditioner with any parabens, sulfates or silicones
used on my hair. Just another way to eliminate
chemicals from entering my body.
I have been with the same hairstylist for close
to 15+ years. She gets me.
She actually complimented me on my silver
fox journey. She told me, "If anyone can make
gray hair look good it's you". What a sweetie.
This coming from a young 30 year old.

Before the cut.

This Silver Fox journey is making me bolder.
I've noticed that the older I get
the less makeup I need to wear.
I can't believe that I am posting a picture of
myself with no makeup on.
Here I am after she cut it and I let it air dry.
You can really start to see the silver strands
starting to shine in the front and the top of my head.
12 weeks worth of silver growth.

I will not be doing a big chop to get rid of the color.
I'm going to go with the ombre look.
I want to see the difference in the colors and
how my hair is becoming healthier by eliminating
the chemical coloring, plus I want to see how long
it takes to grow out the silver and how I react and
change along the way.

The journey continues.
I will keep you updated with my progress.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

1 comment:

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