Sunday, September 1, 2019

Soft Blue Fall

Ah September.
How do I love thee.
Not only do I love you because
it's my birthday month. I love you
because you start my favorite season of all time.


Usually this time of year I start digging out
all of my fall decor and start filling the house
with fall colors. This year though I just don't
have the time or energy to do much.
Watching your grand kids full time
will do that to ya.
But I still wanted to add a little touch
of fall to our home.
Instead of the typical colors of
fall I thought I would switch things up a bit
and add a soft touch of blue.
My inspiration came from this pillow that I
picked up at Pier 1.
I'm a sucker when it comes to pumpkins.
I placed it on the couch and dug through my
pillow and throw supply closet  to dress the
couch for fall.

For our dining room table I created a
new floral arrangement.
Of course I had to add pumpkins.

 So far that's all I've done for fall decor.
 I'm loving this new softer color palette of fall color.

That's it for this week.
Until Next Time,

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