Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fall Burlap Wreath


It's my favorite time of year!  I love everything about Fall.
The beautiful colors of the leaves,
cool crisp days & evenings,
the sound of fallen leaves when you walk on them,
apples & pumpkins
taking a trip to the apple orchard & pumpkin farms,
hot apple cider,
the sounds of a crackling fireplace,
County fairs - Oh how we miss those!
All of the outdoor smells of Fall.
The list is endless about how I feel about Fall.
I can't wait until September rolls around.
To me, September is the start of Fall.
Once we start getting cooler days & evenings I tend to get in
my nesting mode.  I want to start hauling out all of my Fall
decorations and bring a little Fall color into our home.
Fall is also when I get in the mood to start baking.
Although Hubby loves my baking he's not crazy about
gaining weight from it.  That's why most of my
baked goods end up going to work with me.
I've been seeing burlap wreaths for some time now
and love the look of them.  Fall and burlap just
go together. 
I've seen these burlap wreaths go for up to $80.00.
You can bet your sweet pennies I wasn't going to buy one for that price!
I knew that I could make one for WAY LESS!
So that's just what I did!
This wreath was the QUICKEST & EASIEST
wreath I have ever made.
Follow along with me and you too can make a
beautiful wreath in a matter of minutes.
Minutes I tell you.
Let's get started.  Shall we?
Supplies needed:
1 - metal wreath form (mine is 18 inches)
2 packages - 4 inch  wide burlap ribbon (mine were 20 yards each)
decorations (I bought 2 different picks to mix together and added a few extra leaves)
hot glue gun (I forgot to place it in the picture)
Step 1 - Fold the end of the burlap ribbon as shown.
Step 1 - Placing the ribbon under the wreath form, secure the end of the burlap to the inside edge of the metal form.  Wrap the end of the ribbon around the metal form and secure with hot glue.
Step 2 - Pull the burlap up through the 1st slat about 3 inches to form a loop.
Step 3 - Pull the burlap up through the 2nd slat to form a second loop.
Step 4 - Pull the burlap up through the 3rd slat to form a third loop.  You now have your 1st row of loops complete.
Step 5 - Grab the loops and scrunch them together in your hand.

Step 6 - While still holding onto the loops, turn the metal form so that you can see the backside of the wreath.  Tightly twist the ribbon 3 times close to the metal form and hold in place.

Step 7 -  Bring the ribbon back to the 1st slat and again pull up a loop in the 1st, 2nd & 3rd slats.
You should now have 2 rows of loops.
Step 8 - Continue in this manner all the way around the wreath form, pushing the loops together as you go.  I placed between 2-3 rows in each section.  I didn't want it to look too tight together.
Step 9 - When you have filled the wreath completely, cut the end about 4 inches long and secure to the wreath form in the same way you did at the beginning.

Your wreath should look like this when it is done.
Didn't I tell you it was super easy!
I can see endless possibilities with this wreath.
I'm thinking a new Christmas wreath.  It's never too early to start planning ahead.
I got all my supplies on sale.  Who doesn't love a good sale?
This is my wreath which cost me less than $25.00!
I think mine looks just as good as the $80.00 ones.
Here is a full view of it hanging on our front door.  Do you see my kitty cat looking out the window?
And an up close at the pretty fall colors.
I have to say that Hubby was very, very, impressed with this wreath.  He thinks that I spent a lot of time and energy making it.  Who am I to tell him any different?
One more final thought before I end this post.  I came across this after I finished making my wreath.  How appropriate!  Something to think about when you are making your wreath.
"When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds; your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.  Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be."  PATANJALI YOGA (c. 200 BC)
Now get creative and decorate your new burlap wreath!


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