Sunday, September 28, 2014

Road Trip - 2nd Destination

Now that you've seen our 1st Destination,
which was the Beartooth Highway, it's
time to visit our 2nd one.
So strap on your seatbelt and ride
along with us.
We arrived at our next destination somewhere
around 8:30-9:00 a.m.
Welcome to
Yellowstone National Park
As soon as we entered the park,
directly to our right, were
3 mule deer.
This Buck really didn't want to be seen.  I tried
to get a good shot of him but he was being
a little camera shy.

We meander our way thru the park
for awhile until we arrived at
Yellowstone Lake.

We're starting to see some geysers!
The smell of sulphur was so strong.  It smelled
like rotten eggs.  But that didn't deter us from
the beauty of the lake.
We finally reached a spot where we could
pull over and get a picture with
the lake behind us.
You could actually hear the geysers coming
up out of the ground.  It was so cool to hear that.
You can tell that Hubby doesn't use the
camera much.  He got me with my
eyes closed.  Well, it was pretty sunny out and
it was hitting me in the face.  So I'll forgive him
this little blip.
There were geyser everywhere along the way.

We spotted a buffalo by the lake.
I was really hoping to see a bear.  Bummer.



Oh my Gosh!  Is that a bear I see by the lake?

Not only is it a bear, it's a Grizzly Bear!
He blessed us with his presence by walking
right up to our car!
Just look at him!

I was flipping out!  I was so excited and trying to
get a good shot of him.  I didn't want to miss
this opportunity.  Apparently not many
people get to see a grizzly in the wild!
I took this shot out the back window.
Just look at those claws!
You don't realize how massive they are
until you see one in person.
Isn't he beautiful!?
After watching him for a while we continued
on our way.
We crossed the Continental Divide 3 times while
in the park.
This is exciting!  Let's continue on.
The next stop along the way was
Lewis Falls.
It was so beautiful.  The water was crystal clear.
This picture was taken from the bridge.
There is a short trail that you can walk to get closer to
the falls.
Looking down from the top of the falls.
This was the view across the road from the falls.
We were on a tight timeframe so we only spent
about 4 hours in Yellowstone.  There is SO
MUCH more to see.  We'll save that for
another time.
As we were leaving the park this elk was walking
right toward us.  It just looked at us
and continued on it way.

That's it for today.
Make sure you get your rest,
there's lots more to come!
Until next time,

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