Sunday, September 21, 2014

Road Trip - 3,200 miles

*I just noticed that this post didn't post.
Here is the 1st leg of our trip.

WARNING: This post is picture heavy!
Hubby and I were scheduled to attend another Investing Seminar in

We decided to take a week of vacation and drive out and
do some sightseeing.
Let me just say this was one jammed packed vacation and
we enjoyed every minute of it!
We couldn't have had more beautiful weather.
Beautiful sunny days and the temps were 75-83 every day.  Perfect
for sightseeing.
*Since I took so many pictures I am going to break this down
into 4 different posts.
We left home on Monday morning around 6:30 a.m. and drove all the
way to Rapid City, South Dakota before stopping for the night.
I snapped a picture of the Mighty Missississippi as we
drove by it.  I couldn't get a picture from the bridge as they had the
whole bridge under construction with high walls along the whole thing!
So this was the best shot I could get.
and one of the Missouri River.  This was taken from the rest stop.
Tuesday morning was another early rising day.
We headed out early to drive the Beartooth Highway.
This is just a little clip of information that I got from
the Friends of the Beartooth All-American Road website:
Heralded as one of the most scenic drives in the United States, the Beartooth Highway, a National Scenic Byways All-American Road, features breathtaking views of the Absaroka and Beartooth Mountains, and open high alpine plateaus dotted with countless glacial lakes, forested valleys, waterfalls and wildlife.
The Beartooth All-American Road passes through what is known today as the Beartooth Corridor. Surrounded by the Custer, Gallatin, and Shoshone National Forests, traveling parallel to the Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness, and abutting Yellowstone National Park, the Highway sits in a million-plus acre wilderness. Visitors have the rare opportunity to experience and explore pristine, untouched alpine and montane landscapes, lush forests, and alpine tundra in the space of a few miles. It is one of the highest and most rugged areas in the lower 48 states, with 20 peaks reaching over 12,000 feet in elevation. In the surrounding mountains, glaciers are found on the north flank of nearly every mountain peak over 11,500 feet high. The Road itself is the highest elevation highway in Wyoming (10,947 feet) and Montana (10,350 feet), and is the highest elevation highway in the Northern Rockies.
This is the speed limit once you hit Wyoming.
(click on the picture to get a bigger view)
That's just CRAZY!
We usually drove around 72 and people were zooming
past us.
We are just starting to see the Rocky Mountains.
Do you see the snow on them?

Here are a couple of closer pictures of the Rockies.
Check out the name of the 1st road on the road sign.
I didn't even notice it until I was cropping my pictures.

The Beartooth Highway is a 68 mile drive which
winds it's way through southwest Montana and
northwest Wyoming.
The Beartooth Highway will not disappoint!
It truly was one of the most beautiful drives we have taken!
This is just going into the Beartooth Highway.
Each corner you turned you got another beautiful view.



A lot of the Ranches along the Beartooth Highway are
free range ranches.  It's a good thing they have
signs up stating this fact.  We came around
a really sharp curve and this is what we saw.
That was one BIG bull!
He sure took his good old time getting across the road!

I hope you enjoyed a few of my pictures from the
Beartooth Highway.
Stay tuned for the next leg of our journey.
Happy Traveling,

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