Sunday, November 23, 2014

Oh Holy Night!

Oh Holy Night!
The stars are brightly shining
It is the night of the dear Savior's birth!
Christmas is coming up fast!
I have been wanting to make this next project for some time now,
but I just couldn't find what I was looking for to make it.

So I sent out an SOS to my co-workers to help me locate what
I was looking for.  I wouldn't tell them what I was making with it though.
Just that it was a Christmas project.
One finally came through for me!
This is what I was looking for.
An old used hymnal book.
One with old aged pages, but not so old that the pages were brittle.
This one is just perfect!
I made sure that I let everyone know that I was going to tear the book apart!
I hear you GASPING, but I promise you it will be BEAUTIFUL again!
Do you see the beautiful yellowed aging on the edges of the pages...
and the gold around the outer edges of the pages?
I was so EXCITED when I got to work and this old
hymnal book was on my desk with a note.
I actually screamed and had people running to see what was
going on!  I of course called my co-worker right away and THANKED
him profusely, and asked him if he was o.k. with me
tearing his hymnal apart.  He said  "ABSOLUTELY
because I know you will make something beautiful
out of it!"  I couldn't THANK him enough!
We all know that Christmas is about the birth of Christ.
I knew that I wanted my project to be made with musical notes,
but I couldn't find any old music books that had a lot of pages.
And then I had another light bulb moment!  Since this is a Christmas
project why not use an old hymnal?  They have lots of musical pages!
What better way to honor the birth of Christ than with
songs of worship?
(By the way, this is easier said than done.  Old hymnals are HARD to find!)
Well, the moment has finally arrived.   The project is finished!
I took this to work to show off and you wouldn't believe
the requests that I got for people wanting one!
Their first response was, "WOW is that ever a neat idea!"
I just knew that I was going to LOVE it.
I sure wasn't expecting to get that kind of response from everyone else!
Here it is!
My Hymnal Book Wreath!
What do you think?
The pictures just don't do this wreath JUSTICE!
Let me just say people will NOTICE this wreath!
It is a simply STUNNING wreath.  It measures 2 feet wide!
Here is a close-up.
I love the look that the musical pages give this wreath.
And a side view.
I was able to get 4 wreaths with 1 hymnal book!
I used EVERY page of this book.
Here are pictures of  the other 2 that I have finished.
(Still working on the 4th one)
Each wreath has a different ornament in the center.
These wreaths can be made with any old, or new, book and decorated in so many
ways to use year round.
Each wreath costs me less than $3.00 to make!
*keep them indoors though*
I gave this wreath to my co-worker who donated his hymnal
to show my GRATITUDE!
He was so surprised!
He said, "Oh WOW, I never expected this.  I just knew it would be beautiful!"
 At first he didn't want to take it because he thought it was the only one I had.
When I told him I made 4, and this one was for him, you wouldn't
believe how fast he snatched it up!.
He couldn't wait to get home to show his wife.
His wife loved it also.  He said that they hung it on their wall already!
They weren't going to wait until it got closer to Christmas.  They wanted to enjoy it now!
This wreath was so hard for me to give away because it is so pretty.
You really have to see these in person to see how simply beautiful they are.
You just can't tell by looking at the pictures.
I even turned my flash off of my camera to try and capture the simplistic beauty.
Even Hubby commented on how something so simple could look so pretty.
It always tickles me when guys notice and make positive comments.
I hope you enjoyed my little Christmas project.
So go find some old, or new, books to tear apart
 and make some simply beautiful wreaths!
Until next time,

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