Sunday, November 16, 2014

While I was sleeping

I love to make my own wreaths.
I have made many of wreaths over the years.
It's nice that I have a nice big craft table to be able
to spread out all of my supplies and have
them within arms reach.
One thing that I don't like is that I have to lay the
wreath flat on the table to decorate it.
It would be nice to have the wreath vertical so
that I could step back and see what it would look like
when it is hanging on a door or wall.  That way I would
be able to have a better view as to where I needed
to place the ribbons and decorations.
So that got me thinking about
some type of a stand to use to
hang my wreath on.
What about a painters easel?
I checked out a few but they were either too small, or too tall.
So I mentioned it to Hubby that I would like to have
an easel for my wreaths but I just can't find what I am
looking for.
He looked at me kind of funny and said "A what?"
So I showed him a picture and told him what I wanted,
and how big I wanted it, and why I needed one.
Then I asked him very sweetly if he could pretty please make me one.
So last Saturday off to Home Depot we went.
We came home with all the supplies we needed
so Hubby could make my very own wreath easel.
I hadn't had any sleep Saturday morning so I was ready for
bed when we got home.  I told Hubby that I needed to lay down
for awhile.  He told me to sleep as long as I needed to because he was
 just going to watch some football anyways.
Well, when I got up Hubby had this for me.
My very own wreath easel!
It stands 3 feet tall.  It's the perfect size to place on a table.
Here is a side view.
And I can even fold it up and store it when I'm not using it.
Here it is with my fall wreath hanging on it.
It's just perfect!
I LOVE my new wreath easel!
Hubby did a fantastic job!
He said it only took him 2 hours to make.
That's it for this week.
Make sure you check back in next week.
I can't wait to show you what I have been working on!
Stay warm,

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